
College of Arts and Architecture (CAA) Block Grants are available for faculty who wish to undertake research endeavors that will lead to specific creative and scholarly deliverables, such as publications, exhibitions, new bodies of work, compositions or other modes of dissemination. Supported research activities include, but are not necessarily limited to, expenses related to travel, production, equipment and other required materials or items clearly linked to the project summary. 

Priority is given to those Block Grant applications that will...

  1. TT Faculty who do not have funding already in place for research endeavors (i.e. faculty member has existing start-up money, etc.)
  2. Support goals related to retention, tenure and promotion. 
  3. Have impacts that are in keeping with MSU’s strategic plan and land-grant mission.
  4. Be first-time awards for the applicants.


  • Tenured or tenure-track faculty
  • Applicants who have received this award within the past two years will be assigned a lower priority, as will continued funding for a project that has already received funding through CAA.

Award Amounts

  • Up to $5,000.00 *

Application Information

All applications must be submitted using the online application portal and should include:

  • Project Summary
  • Concise project description and completion timeline.
  • Detailed budget and accurate budget *
  • Outline of the research deliverable that these funds will support.
  • Signed letter of support from a co-applicant, if applicable.


Applications will be accepted anytime within the following periods:

  • Fall - October 15, 2024 (Spend by June 1, 2025)
  • Spring- March 20, 2025 (Spend by June 1, 2025)


Merit rankings of applications are determined at a college level, by a committee comprised of prior recipients and the Associate Dean of the College. Final decisions regarding recipients, based on the committee’s work, are approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Architecture. 


  1. Successful applicants will be required to share the results of their research in a summarizing report, lecture, presentation, exhibition or performance that details and demonstrates the outcomes of the awarded grant. 
  2. The Director of your school will be asked to approve your application, and such approval is necessary for the award of this grant.
  3. Monies associated with the Block Grant must be spent prior to the end of the fiscal year, which ends on June 1.  No exceptions to, or extensions of, this deadline are possible.
  4. Awardees are required to serve on a committee to vet and rank the next cycle's applications.
  5. Funding request cannot include course buyouts, or materials for course use (teaching) or service projects.  The CAA Block Grant is intended to provide support in TT faculty Scholarship/Research.


This program is sponsored and funded by the College of Arts & Architecture Dean’s Office.