Submit a Poster or Talk!

The deadline to submit a poster and reserach talk is December 31st, 2023. You will be allowed to go back and edit your responses after submitting the form. You are allowed to participate in both!

If you are interested in presenting a poster, please fill out the poster presentation form below:

Poster Presentation Form

If you are interested in giving a research talk, please fill out the research talk form below:

Research Talk Form

Poster Session

General Information

Our poster session will take place on Saturday afternoon from 1:30PM until 3:30PM. More details including time slots within the general block will be announced closer to the conference.

All CUWiP attendees are encouraged to present a poster on any scientific research you have been involved with. If you have not been involved in research or do not feel comfortable presenting your research, don’t worry! Engage with the presenters during the poster session and learn about how you can become involved in undergraduate research.

Poster Presentation Best Practices

Please fill out the form above to submit a short poster title and abstract. Please keep abstracts short and to the point. To ensure your poster will fit on the boards, please keep the poster size to 4 feet wide and 3 feet high, landscape orientation. Youmust print and bring your poster with you to CUWiP!

Your poster should include:

  • (1) a short title, (2) student’s name, (3) collaborator(s) and adviser(s) names, and (4) their department(s), (5) funding sources, (6) research objectives, (7) scientific background and significance to the field, (8) methods, (9) results/findings, (10) interpretation of results, (11) conclusions and directions for future research, (12) references.
  • Text and images should be legible from a short distance away. Stay away from small text!
  • Text is clear and to the point. Try to minimize unnecessary jargon as many of the attendees come from a variety of research backgrounds.
  • Limit the length of text - use of bullets, numbering, and headlines make it easy to read, alongside an effective use of graphics, color and fonts
  • Please be prepared to discuss your research and poster with attendees and faculty. This discussion should be clear and concise, and should include the major points presented on the poster. Please practice giving a short research summary in advance!

Research Talks

General Information

Our research presentations will take place on Saturday morning from 10:15AM - 11:00AM. These will take place throughout all of the rooms of the conference, with each room grouped according to research subject. The schedule will be released in early January.

Each talk will have an alloted time of 15 minutes. Please plan for 12-13 minutes for your presentation, and 2-3 minutes for Q&A.

We encourage all students to try and participate in these research talks if you have participated in research! This is a fantastic opportunity to gain experience giving a high quality research presentation and to improve your public speaking skills. 

Research Talk Best Practices

  • Please come prepared with a laptop and a back-up of your presentation on an alternate device in case of technical difficulties.
  • If you require specific adapters, please make sure you bring your own. The rooms will have HDMI cables but are not guaranteed to have more than that.
  • Practice your talks! Keeping things to 12-13 minutes is harder than it looks; practicing a few times will help streamline your talk to fit the time limit. :) 
  • Make your research as accessible as possible to a broad academic audience, without sacrificing its main goals and takeaways. 
  • Make sure all the text on the slides are streamlined and to the point. The less text the better! The text you show should enhance the information you are verbally explaining, not the other way around. 
  • Pictures and graphs are great, but double check the contrast of colors on each image as things will look different on a projector than on your computer screen. Also make sure you explain every figure you show to your audience.