
Ph.D Geography (climate change, numerical modeling), University of Oregon, 1987
M.S. Mathematics (numerical analysis), University of Oregon, 1984
B.S. Civil Engineering (hydrology), Ohio State University, 1973


Our USGS project addresses climate-related research across a wide range of temporal (the past million years and into the future) and spatial (global to local) scales through modeling, field work, and proxy data analysis. Both the modeling and data components are used in fundamental hypothesis-driven research to address basic scientific questions and to provide information relevant to managers. We develop and apply global and regional climate models, surface process models, visualization techniques and analytical methods to quantify and explain interactions between the atmosphere and lakes, vegetation, glaciers and ice sheets, hydrologic systems, wildfire, and land-use change. We collect, process, analyze, and interpret field samples and combine the resulting data with various types of climate and process models to identify mechanisms of change inferred from the data. In addition to basic science, a key objective of the project is to synthesize and distill diverse data sets produced by us and others to provide and disseminate information to other researchers, agencies, resource managers, and the public.


Hostetler, S. W. & J. R. Alder (2016) Implementation and evaluation of a monthly water balance model over the U.S. on an 800 m grid. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2016WR018665

Isaak, D. J., M. K. Young, C. H. Luce, S. W. Hostetler, S. J. Wengerd, E. E. Peterson, J. Ver Hoef, M. Groce, D. L. Horan, D. Nagel (2016). Slow climate velocities of mountain streams portend their role as refugia for cold-water diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,

Isaak, Daniel J., Seth J. Wenger, Erin E. Peterson, Jay M. Ver Hoef, David E. Nagel, Charlie H. Luce, Steven W. Hostetler, Jason B. Dunham, Brett B. Roper, Sherry P. Wollrab, Gwynne L. Chandler, Dona L. Horan, Sharon Parkes-Payne (2017). The NorWeST database and modeled summer temperature scenarios: Massive crowd-sourcing and new geospatial tools reveal broad climate warming of rivers and streams in the western U.S. Water Resources Research,

Hostetler, S. W., P.J. Bartlein, & J.R. Alder (2018). Atmospheric and surface climate associated with 1986-2013 wildfires in North America, J. Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, in press. Alder, J.R. & S.W. Hostetler (in review) Applying the Community Ice Sheet Model to evaluate PMIP3 LGM climatologies over the North American ice sheets, Climate Dynamics.

Alder, J.R. & S.W. Hostetler (in prep). Uncertainty among statistically downscaled CMIP5 datasets: Implications for future projections of Western U.S. hydroclimate. To be submitted in May to Water Resources Research

Hostetler, S. W. and P.J. Bartlein (1990). Modeling climatically determined lake evaporation with application to simulating lake-level variations of Harney-Malheur Lake, Oregon. Water Resources Research 26(10):2603-2612.

Hostetler, S. W. and L. V. Benson (1990). Paleoclimatic implications of the high stand of Lake Lahontan derived from models of evaporation and lake level. Climate Dynamics 4:207-217.

Hostetler, S. W. (1991). Simulation of lake ice and its effect on the late-Pleistocene evaporation rate of Lake Lahontan. Climate Dynamics 6:43-48.

Hostetler, S. W. (1991). Analysis and modeling of long-term water temperature on the Steamboat Creek basin, Oregon: Implications for land use and fish habitat. Water Resources Bulletin 27(4):637-647.

Bartlein, P. J., T. Webb III, and S. W. Hostetler (1992). Climatology. In R.L Hunter and J. Mann, eds, Determining Probabilities of Geologic Processes and Events, Monographs in Mathematical Geology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 99-122.

Benson L. V., D. M. Currey, Y. Lao. and S. W. Hostetler (1992). Lake-size variations in the Lahontan and Bonneville basins between 13,000 and 9,000 14C yr B.P. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, and Paleoecology, 95, 19-32.

Hostetler, S. W. and F. Giorgi (1992). Use of a regional atmospheric model to simulate lake-atmosphere feedbacks associated with Pleistocene Lakes Lahontan and Bonneville. Climate Dynamics 7, 39-44.

Bates, G. T., F. Giorgi, and S. W. Hostetler (1993). Toward the simulation of the effects of the Great Lakes on regional climate. Monthly Weather Review 121(5):1373-1387.

Hostetler, S. W., G. T. Bates, and F. Giorgi (1993). Coupling of a lake model with a regional climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research, 98(D3):5045-5058.

Hostetler, S. W. and F. Giorgi (1993). Use of high-resolution climate model data in landscape-scale hydrologic models: A demonstration. Water Resources Research, 29(6):1685-1695.

Giorgi, F., S. W. Hostetler, and C. Shields-Brodeur, 1994, Analysis of the surface hydrology in a regional climate model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 120:161-183.

Hostetler, S. W., F. Giorgi, G. T. Bates, and P. J. Bartlein (1994). Lake-atmosphere feedbacks associated with Paleolakes Bonneville and Lahontan. Science, 263:665-668.

Hostetler, S. W. and L. V. Benson (1994). Behavior of the stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen in the Truckee River-Pyramid Lake surface-water system, Part 2: A predictive model of 18O and 2H in Pyramid Lake: Limnology and Oceanography, 39:356-364.

Hostetler, S. W. and F. Giorgi (1994). Effects of 2XCO2 climate on two large lake systems: Pyramid Lake, Nevada, and Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming. Global and Planetary Change, 10:43-34. (Invited)

Vassiljev, J., S. P. Harrison, S. W. Hostetler, and P. J. Bartlein (1994). Modelling the thermal behavior of three Estonian Lakes: Karujärv, Viljandi, and Kirjaku. J. Hydrology, 163:107-123.

Hostetler, S. W. (1994). Hydrologic and atmospheric models-- the (continuing) problem of discordant scales. Guest editorial, Climatic Change, 27:345-350. (Invited)

Hostetler, S. W. (1995). Hydrologic and thermal response of lakes to climate. In, A. Lerman, D. M. Imboden, and J. R. Gat, eds., Lakes II: Chemical and Physical Processes in Lakes, Springer-Verlag, 63-82.

Bates, G. T., S. W. Hostetler, F. Giorgi (1995). Two-year simulation of the Great Lakes region with a coupled modeling system. Monthly Weather Review, 123:1505-1522.

TEMPO Members (Kutzbach, J.E., P.J. Bartlein, J.A. Foley, S.P. Harrison, S.W. Hostetler, Z. Liu, I.C. Prentice, and T.W. Webb, III) (1996). Potential role of vegetation feedback in the climate sensitivity of high-latitude regions: A case study at 6000 years B.P. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 10:727-736. (Invited)

Grimm, N.B., A. Chacon, C. N. Dahm, S. W. Hostetler, O. T. Lind, P. L. Starkweather, and W. W. Wurtsbaugh, (1997). Sensitivity of aquatic ecosystems to climatic and anthropogenic changes: The Basin and Range, American Southwest, and Mexico. Hydrological Processes, 11:1023-1042.

Hauer, F. R., J. S. Baron, D. H. Campbell, K. D. Fausch, S. W. Hostetler, G. H. Leavesley, P. R. Leavitt, D. M. McKnight, and J. A. Stanford (1997). Assessment of climate change and freshwater ecosystems of the Rocky Mountains USA and Canada. Hydrological Processes, 11:903-921.

Hostetler, S. W. (1997). Paleoclimatology near to the edge of an ice sheet. Nature, 385:393-394. (Invited)

Hostetler, S.W., and P.U. Clark (1997). Climatic controls of western U. S. alpine glaciers at the last glacial maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, 16:505-511.

Ortiz, J., A. C. Mix, S. W. Hostetler, and M. Kashgarian (1997). The California Current of the last glacial maximum, Paleoceanography, 13:161-176.

Hostetler, S.W. and P.J. Bartlein (1999). Response of regional climate and surface processes in Western North America to a canonical Heinrich event. In, P.U. Clark, R.S. Webb, and L.D. Keigwin, Eds., American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series 112, Mechanisms of Global Climate Changes at Millennial Time Scales, pp. 313-327. (Invited)

Hostetler, S.W. and A.C. Mix (1999). Ice age cooling of the tropics re-assessed. Nature, 399:673-676.

Hostetler, S.W., P.U. Clark, P. J. Bartlein, A.C. Mix, and N.G. Pisias (1999). Atmospheric transmission of North Atlantic

Heinrich Events. J. Geophysical Research 104(D4):3947-3952.

Hostetler, S.W. and E.E. Small (1999). Response of North American lakes to simulated climate change. Special Issue for the US Global Change Research Program National Assessment of Water Resources, J. American Water Resources Association 35(6):1625-1637. (Invited)

Mix, A.C., A.E. Morey, N.G. Pisias, and S.W. Hostetler (1999), Foramininiferal faunal estimates of paleotemperature: Circumventing the no-analog problem yields cool ice age tropics. Paleoceanography 14(3):350-359.

Small, E.E., L.C. Sloan, S. W. Hostetler, and F. Giorgi (1999). Simulating the water balance of the Aral Sea with a coupled climate-lake model. J. Geophysical Research 104(D6):6583-6602.

Hostetler, S.W., P.J. Bartlein, P.U. Clark, E.E. Small, and A.E. Solomon (2000), Simulated interactions between Lake Agassiz and the Laurentide Ice Sheet 11,000 years ago. Nature 405:334-337.

Hostetler, S.W and P.U. Clark (2000), Tropical climate at the Last Glacial Maximum inferred from glacier mass-balance modeling. Science 290:1747-1750.

Clark, P. U., S. Marshall, G. Clarke, S. Hostetler, J. Licciardi, J. Teller (2001), Freshwater forcing of abrupt climate change during the last glaciation, Science 293:283-287.

Bartlein, P.J. and S. W. Hostetler (2004), Modeling paleoclimates, in, A.R. Gillespie, S.C. Porter, and B.F. Atwater, eds, The Quaternary Period in the United States, Developments in Quaternary Science, pp. 565-584. (Invited)

Marshal, S., D. Pollard, S. Hostetler, and P. Clark (2004), Coupling ice-sheet and climate models for simulation of former ice sheets, in, A.R. Gillespie, S.C. Porter, and B.F. Atwater, eds, The Quaternary Period in the United States, Developments in Quaternary Science, pp.105-126. (Invited)

Pisias, N.G., L. Heusser, C. Huesser, S. Hostetler, A. Mix, and M. Weber, M., (2006). Radiolaria and pollen records from 0 to 50ka at ODP Site 1233: Continental and marine climate records from the Southeast Pacific, Quaternary Science Reviews, 25:455-473.

Hostetler, S.W., N.G. Pisias, and A.C. Mix (2006). Sensitivity of Last Glacial climate to uncertainties in tropical and subtropical ocean temperatures, Quaternary Science Reviews, 25:1168-1185.

Schmittner, A., E.D. Galbraith, S. W. Hostetler, T.F. Pedersen, and R. Zhong (2007). Large fluctuations of dissolved oxygen in the Indian and Pacific oceans during Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations caused by variations of North Atlantic Deep Water subduction, Paleoceanography 22, PA3207, doi:10.1029/2006PA001384

Clark, PU, SW Hostetler, NG Pisias, A Schittner, KJ Meissner (2007): Mechanisms for an ~7-kyr Climate and Sea-Level Oscillation During Marine Isotope Stage 3, In A Schmittner, J Chiamg, S Hemmings, Eds., Ocean Circulation: Mechanisms and Impacts, Geophysical Monograph Series, V. 173, American Geophysical Union, Washington DC.

Anslow, F., S. Hostetler, P. Clark, and W. Bidlake (2008): Assessing the sensitivity of a distributed glacier surface mass balance model to variations in physical parameters, J. of Geophysical Research 113:F02019. doi:10.1029/2007JF000850.

Bartlein, PJ, SW Hostetler, SL Shafer, JO Holman, and AM Solomon (2008). Temporal and spatial structure in a daily wildfire-start data set from the western United States (1986-96), International Journal of Wildland Fire, 17:8-17. (Invited).

Hostetler, S.W., (2009), Use of Models and Observations to Assess Trends in the 1950-2005 Water Balance and Climate of Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, Water Resources Research, 45, W12409, doi:10.1029/2008WR007295.

Carlson, A.E., Clark, P.U., and Hostetler, S.W., 2009, Comment: Radiocarbon deglaciation chronology of the Thunder Bay, Ontario area and implications for ice sheet retreat patterns, Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 28, p. 2546-2547.

Clark, PU, AS Dyke, JD. Shakun, AE Carlson, J Clark, B Wohlfarth, JX Mitrovica, SW Hostetler, AM McCabe (2009) The Last Glacial Maximum, Science, 325, 710, DOI: 10.1126/science.1172873.

Ersek, V., Hostetler, S.W., Cheng, H., Clark, P.U., Anslow, F.S., Mix, A.C., and Edwards, R.L., 2009, Environmental influences on speleothem growth in southwestern Oregon during the last 380,000 years: Earth and Planetary Science Letters/, v. 279, p. 316-325.

Alder, J.R., Hostetler, S.W. and Pollard, D and A. Schmittner, 2010, Evaluation of a present-day climate simulation with a new atmosphere-ocean model, GENMOM, Geoscience Model Development, v. 3, p. 1697-1735. doi:10.5194/gmdd-3-1697-2010.

Anslow, F.S., Clark, P.U., Kurz, M.D., and Hostetler, S.W., 2010, Geochronology and paleoclimatic implications of the last deglaciation of the Mauna Kea Ice Cap, Hawaii: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 297, no. 1-2, p. 234-248.

Weber, M.E., Clark, P.U., Ricken, W., Mitrovica, J.X., Hostetler, S.W., Kuhn, G. 2011. Interhemispheric Ice-Sheet Synchronicity During the Last Glacial Maximum Science 334, 1265 (2011); DOI: 10.1126/science.1209299.

Isaak, Daniel J.; Muhlfeld, Clint C.; Todd, Andrew S.; Al-Chokhachy, Robert; Roberts, James; Kershner, Jeffrey L.; Fausch,

Kurt D.; Hostetler, Steven W. 2012. The past as prelude to the future for understanding 21st-Century climate effects on Rocky Mountain trout. Fisheries. 37(12): 542-556.

Al-Chokhatchy, R., Alder, J., Hostetler, S, Greswell, R. and Shepard, B. 2013. Thermal controls of productivity and invasive species competition of the Yellowstone Cutthroat under climate change, Global Change Biology, 19(10), 3069-3081. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12262.

Alder, J., Hostetler, S. and Williams, D., 2013. An Interactive Web Application for Visualizing Climate Data, EOS 94, DOI: 10.1002/2013EO220001. FT-015412.

Allan, A.M., Hostetler, S.W and Alder, J.R., 2014. Analysis of the present and future winter Pacific-North American teleconnection in the ECHAM5 global and RegCM3 regional climate models, Climate Dynamics 42(5), 1671-1682, DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1910-x.

Bartlein, P.J., S.W. Hostetler and J.R. Alder, 2014. In Climate Change in North America, G. Ohring, Ed. Paleoclimate, p 1-51., (2014) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-03768-4_1, Springer, Switzerland.

Alder, J. R. and Hostetler, S. W., 2015. Global climate simulations at 3,000-year intervals for the last 21,000 years with the GENMOM coupled atmosphere-ocean model Climate of the Past 11, 449-471 doi: 10.5194/cp-11-449-2015.

Alder, J. and S. Hostetler, 2015. Web based visualization of large climate data sets: the USGS National Climate Change Viewer, Environmental Modeling and Software, 68, 175-180.

Bartlein, P. J., M. E. Edwards, S. W. Hostetler, S. L. Shafer, P. M. Anderson, L. B. Brubaker, and A. V. Lozhkin, 2015. Early-Holocene climate change in Beringia: Mediation of global-warming impacts by regional-scale boundary conditions. Climate of the Past, 11, 1197-1222, 2015. doi:10.5194/cp-11-1197-20155.