Fall Semester 2024
Thursdays 3:30-4:30

Live talks will be held in 304 Lewis Hall unless otherwise noted.  Please check the individual seminars below for information on which seminars will be live and/or virtual. In-person seminars will not be offered virtually, and are not recorded.

Undergraduate students may get credit for attending/viewing seminars and writing critiques in course BIOE 494, a 1-credit, fall-only course. Please see your advisor if interested.  

Date Seminar Details More Info

August 29

Department Introductions
Lab group introductions, graduate students explain their current research

Current Grad Students

304 Lewis


September 5


304 Lewis
September 12   304 Lewis

September 19

September  26  

304 Lewis

October 3


304 Lewis
October 10    
October 17


304 Lewis
October 24


304 Lewis

October 31



November 7



November 14


304 Lewis
November 21

Thanksgiving Break

November 28


304 Lewis
December 5


304 Lewis