Meat Goat is designed for members who want to learn about breeds of meat goats, health care, grooming, production, reproduction, management, showmanship, marketing and careers. Youth wishing to enroll in Market Goat or Breeding Goat must also be enrolled in Level 1, 2, or 3.

Meat Goat, Level 1

Learn about goat breeds and selection, feeding and management, goat health, goat body parts, record keeping, meat goat and dairy conformation, show preparations and sportsmanship.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Meat Goat, Level 2

Learn about goat diseases, identify poisonous plants, determine body conditions, water quality, goat predators, kidding, goat reproduction, the veterinary profession, selecting stock and showing meat goats.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Meat Goat, Level 3

Discover how to select breeding sires, balance a ration, prevent diseases, control internal and external parasites, practice biosecurity, practice sound ethics, conduct a meat goat judging clinic, judge goats, give oral reasons and explore meat goat products.

This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.

Enroll in Market and/or Breeding when registering.

Discover how to select breeding sires, balance a ration, prevent diseases, control internal and external parasites, practice biosecurity, practice sound ethics, conduct a meat goat judging clinic, judge goats, give oral reasons and explore meat goat products.


This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.


M Meating the Future, BU7911

Additional Resources for All Levels

S Goat Resource Handbook, 4H135R
L Meat Goat Helper’s Guide, BU7912 Groups will enjoy planning a program, completing project records, developing a management calendar, conducting a meat quality assurance program, participating in quiz bowls, skillathons, tours, giving a presentation and exploring goat-related careers.

Meat Goat Independent Study/Advanced