
4H Upcoming Events

Get Involved!

Find out dates for County Project Meetings or Important Deadlines.



4H Enrollment

Join a 4-H Club!

For youth members and adult volunteers to enroll in 4-H.



4H Records

Set your Goals!

Keeping a journal of your achievements helps measure your success. 

Club Resources

Club Resources

Need help at your next meeting?

Information about 4-H projects, officers and yearly planning.


4-H Newsletter

What's Happening?

Read the monthly newsletter to know what is happening.


Shooting Sports

4-H Shooting Sports

Bulls Eye!

Ravalli County offers Archery and Small Bore.



4-H Livestock

Market & Breeding

Weigh In and Quality Assurance requirements and guidelines can be found here.


4-H Horse Project

Western or English

Patterns and project guidelines for the successful 4-H Horse member. 

Teen Leadership

4-H Teen Leadership

Learn to be a Leader

We have scholarship and ambassador opportunites for teens 4-H age 13-19.



4-H Cloverbuds

For ages 5-7

Explore what 4-H has to offer in a non-competitive format.  Age is determined on October 1, 2020.


Dog Project

4-H Dog Projects

More than Sit & Stay

County-wide Dog project meeting information, contract and equipment list.

4-H Links

4-H Links


4-H websites at the state and National level plus other helpful links.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.