Learning Outcomes 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 Target course(s) for Assessment Data & Rubrics*
Critical and Analytical Thinking   x x x x LS 401, Senior Project.Critical and analytical thinking will be assessed using the following criteria: Consideration of various perspectives. Discussion of critical assumptions, contrary findings, and alternative interpretations. Cautious conclusions and discussion of their implications.Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.
Team Work & Collaboration     x x x LS 401, Senior ProjectGroup project and copies of student self-assessment and instructor’s assessment that gage the student’s ability to:Actively participate in the task or project to accomplish a common goal.Adjust to unforeseen circumstances.ORRough draft, comments from peer-review workshop, and revision plan based on suggestions given during peer-review. These items will be used to access the students’ ability to:Offer constructive, specific and accurate feedback.Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.
Analytical Writing x x x x x

LS 401, Senior Project

Papers will be assessed holistically for argumentation (structure, development), research (integration, citation format), and style (clarity, mechanics). Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.

Reading & Reflection   x x x x Major paper from any upper-division course in History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, or Literature. Skillfully uses specific examples and quotations from the book.Shows evidence of critical thinking by demonstrating insight into character, theme, or argument of a text or texts. Convention perfect response shows a superior ability to communicate information and carefully supported opinions about what is read.Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.
Creative Development         x Major paper or artist’s statement from any 200-, 300-or 400-level course in Art, Art History, Creative Writing, Film, or Music. Skillfully uses vocabulary associated with the particular arts discipline in reflecting on the work or in evaluating the workClearly reflects appropriate social, cultural, contemporary and/or historical aesthetic movements or issues.Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.
Undergraduate Research x x x x x LS 401, Senior Project.Depth and breadth of research will be assessed using the following criteria: A well-defined question. Description of the context and existing information about an issue. Adequate references, including original sources, alternative perspectives, and criticism. Students will perform at an acceptable level or higher.


*Assessment will be performed by a committee made up of at least two members of the Liberal Studies Advisory Committee. Assignments will be graded as: Unacceptable (0), Marginal (1), Acceptable (2), Excellent (3).