To access a web-based desktop for your Tempest account, follow the instructions below:

Tempest web login page

  • Select Interactive Apps > Tempest Xfce Desktop from the top menu bar

Tempest web main page

  • Select the specifications for your web desktop session (Note: the fewer resources you specify, the faster the session will start. The default settings generally start immediately)
    1. Make sure your account is set to "priority-<your_share>"
    2. Make sure the partition is set to "Interactive"
    3. Launch the interactive session to start a Tempest desktop session

Initializing a web desktop instance

  • Enter your desktop environment
    1. The "Host" line tells you which node of the cluster your instance is running on
    2. "Time Remaining" tells you how much time remains before your session is automatically ended. Note: sessions cannot be updated once started. If you need a long-running session, be sure to specify that when selecting resources in the preceding step.
    3. Click "Launch Tempest Xfce Desktop" to enter your Tempest desktop

Entering your web desktop

  • Verify that Screen Locking has been disabled. Select Applications (top left corner) > Settings > Screensaver > Lock Screen. Ensure that "Enable Screen Lock" is toggled to off.
    • WARNING: If your screen locks, you will lose the desktop session and it cannot be recovered

Disable Lock Screen