Information for Transfer Students
Welcome to Montana State University!
University Studies is the initial program of choice for a large number of students
transferring to MSU. Through professional advising, we will help you explore your
academic options and select a major that matches your personal and career goals. In addition, we will
assist you in getting oriented to your new academic home--Montana State University.
(Note: The following information is for transfer students who are in University Studies. If you are in another department, you will still find some of this information helpful, but you should contact the department where you will be majoring to make an advising appointment. Contact information for departments can be found on the College & Departments page. For a list of all MSU majors and the departments in which they are housed, go to the Majors and Degrees page. The MSU general catalog is available.
Transfer Student Packet
When you are accepted to MSU, the Orientation Office will send you a transfer student packet with information and a checklist of items that must be completed. To contact the Orientation Office, call 888-MSU-CATS, or send them an e-mail.
Immunization Records
You are required to submit your immunization records before you can register for classes. This is one detail that students sometimes put off, causing a hold to be put on their academic record. We strongly encourage transfer students to take care of this as soon as possible. Immunization records can be faxed to 406-994-2504 or emailed to [email protected]. To verify that your records have been received, you may call the MSU Student Health Service at 406-994-2311.
Evaluation of Transfer Credits
You must request your former college(s) to send your official transcript to MSU. Once your transcript and immunization records have been received, the process of evaluating your transfer credits will begin. This may take ten days or more, depending on the time your information is submitted during the academic semester. When the evaluation is complete, you will be sent a copy of your new transcript showing how your credits transferred. This evaluation is also sent to your academic department. You can also view your transfer credits by logging into MyInfo on the MSU homepage.
MSU has a transfer equivalency chart that shows how some courses from selected colleges and universities will transfer. You can do your own research on how courses you have taken elsewhere will transfer to MSU. Go to the Bozeman Transfer Equivalences page to take a look, but keep in mind that not all institutions or courses may be represented on the chart.
Advising Appointment
In order to register for classes, you must meet with an advisor in your major department. University Studies students can schedule an appointment by calling 406-994-3532. Call at least one week in advance of when you would like to meet with an advisor so we can collect your records in preparation for the appointment. At your appointment, your advisor will:
- Explain the University Studies program
- Discuss MSU's academic policies and procedures
- Describe other services available on campus
- Review your transcript (Note: Bring a copy with you.)
- Help you choose courses
- Explain how to select and declare a major
- Show you how to register for classes
If you have any other questions, call University Studies at 406-994-3532 or send us an email.