Check out the "game plan"

  1. When you know what the funder is looking for, start with an abstract or logic model, and, ideally, discuss it with the funder's program officer.
  2. Sketch out your budget. Writing a budget will tell you what you actually want to do.  You must know what range of activities will fit within the budget boundaries before you write a work plan.
  3. Draft your project description.
  4. Draft your project evaluation.
  5. Finalize your project title.
  6. Draft letters of support.
  7. Update your project description and evaluation.
  8. Fill out the required forms (doing this early will alert you if you might be missing any required pieces).
  9. Draft your budget narrative.
  10. Draft your final executive summary/abstract.
  11. Finalize your budget and budget narrative.
  12. Finalize the rest of the documents and forms.
  13. Eliminate any inconsistencies among all these documents!