• 75% of college deaths are male.
  • Men often die from injury or illnesses that are preventable by lifestyle change or preventive medicine.
  • On average, men want 28# more muscle, an ideal body image that is influenced by media images and is unattainable without the use of steroids.
  • One in ten men have an eating disorder.
  • Men account for 6 out of 10 college-age suicides.
  • Men do not often seek medical and psychological treatment despite a need to do so.
  • Men aged 18-40 are the highest risk group for testicular cancer, yet most do not conduct a monthly self-exam.
  • Men account for 9 our of 10 college age deaths due to HIV.
  • Chlamydia infects 1 in 10 college men.
  • One half to two thirds of college men don't use condoms.
  • Half of the deaths in college age men are due to accidents, most motor vehicle.
  • Men tend not to use safety helmets or seatbelts.

Men can improve their health and reduce the risk of accident, illness, injury, and death by reducing high risk activities, using safety gear, going to the doctor, and engaging in preventive practices.