Assistant Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2013, University of California Santa Barbara

Freshwater organism ecology and physical stream geomorphology; feedbacks between animals and sediment erosion; impacts of changing flow regimes and species invasions on ecogeomorphic linkages.

Assistant Professor, Ecology

Fundamental and applied research on animal behavior, with a focus on terrestrial wildlife; behavioral ecology; wildlife ecology and management; animal movement and spatial ecology; species interactions; population dynamics; quantitative ecology.

Associate Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2006, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Biogeochemistry and ecosystem analysis with emphasis on nutrient cycling and limitation.  Interests include: ecosystem response and feedback to atmospheric and climate variation; watershed biogeochemistry; plant-soil interactions; natural abundance isotope analysis; ecosystem modeling; global change.

Associate Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2008, Dartmouth College

Community & pollination ecology; effects of environmental context (including climate, land use, wildfire, & invasive species) on plant-insect interactions.

Associate Professor, ARNR

Ph.D. 2008, Oregon State University

Non-equilibrium ecological dynamics; restoration ecology; disturbance ecology, hydrology and watershed management in arid and semi-arid ecosystems; grazing management; woody plant expansion.

Associate Professor, LRES

Understanding the physical, biological, and human influences on hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecosystem processes, specifically for watershed analysis.

Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1991, Purdue University

Behavioral endocrinology; conservation biology; population biology; social evolution; biology of carnivores.

Wildlife Research Biologist, USGS NRMSC (Ecology Dept. affiliate)

Ph.D. 2005, University of California, Berkeley

Wildlife disease; epidemiological modeling; population dynamics

Associate Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2004, University of Georgia

Aquatic food webs and ecosystem; ecological stoichiometry; cross-ecosystem material subsidies

Professor, PSPP

Ph.D. 1995, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

Study of the basic and applied aspects of higher fungi, particularly in extreme environments such as the alpine life zone and high-elevation smelter-impacted sites

Professor, Department Head, Ecology

Ph.D. 1991, Montana State University

Research and teaching in the fields of conservation biology, landscape ecology, and restoration ecology. Areas of research include biodiversity assessment with remote sensing and GIS applications, spatial analysis, metapopulation dynamics, habitat fragmentation, population viability assessment, genetics of small populations, climate change, and grassland restoration. 

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2007, University of California, Berkeley

Isotope biogeochemistry of soils in the Earth system.  Effects of disturbance (pollution, climate change) on soil-atmosphere and soil-hydrology interactions.  Innovative use of multiple isotope systems to explore the interaction of geochemical, geomorphic, and biological processes in driving biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial environments.

Assistant Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2018, Colorado State University

Plant physiological, community and ecosystems ecology, ecohydrology, scale, grasslands, rangelands, drylands, remote sensing, climate change, climate extremes, global change

Affiliate Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1993, South Dakota State University

Applied fisheries science; population ecology; predator-prey interactions; fisheries management.

Associate Professor, Earth Sciences

Ph.D. 2004, University of Colorado-Boulder

Environmental governance, resources management, and energy policy.

Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1984, University of Tennessee

Effects of natural disturbance and land use on vertebrate diversity; landscape ecology and management; computer simulation of forest dynamics; conservation biology.

Associate Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2003, University of California, Davis

Interests include geoscience education, plant-soil interactions, soil respiration, nutrient cycling, land rehabilitation, global change.

Professor, LRES & TBI

Ph.D. 1985, University of Minnesota

Soil chemical processes important in agricultural systems and environmental sciences; fate and mobility of chemicals in the environment, and mechanisms of chemical adsorption, precipitation and dissolution in natural systems.

Professor, PSPP

Ph.D 1985, Ohio State University

Systematics of the Coleoptera and insect conservation biology.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1998, Montana State University

Developing educational resources and materials on soil fertility and nutrient management for county agents, crop advisers, producers, and other agricultural professionals; current primary research emphasis on soil fertility in cropping systems, nutrient management in conservation tillage systems, and soil testing.

Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1999, Arizona State

Conservation genetics; evolutionary biology; wildlife and fisheries management.

Assistant Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2014, University of Montana

System Ecology, Wetlands , Ecological Assessment, Ecosystem Services.

Professor, PSPP

Ph.D. 1986, The Univ. of Texas-Austin

Molecular systematics and biogeography of the plant family Leguminosae. The emphasis of my research is on the phylogeny, biogeography, and systematics of the plant family Leguminosae, including the cultivated species.

Associate Professor, Ecology

Ph.D 2007, University of Arizona

Effects of human activities on wildlife populations and communities (including invasive species, changes in land-use, disturbance regimes, and climatic patterns); plant-animal interactions; restoration ecology; quantitative ecology

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2004, Montana State University

Development and dissemination of information about ecologically-based, integrated invasive plant management for range and wildlands.  Emphasis on restoration/revegetation of invasive plant-infested landscapes.>

Professor, ARNR

Ph.D. 1978, University of Wyoming

Identification and definition of the processes that create and maintain riparian ecosystems. Interactive processes between herbivory and vegetation with specific emphasis on water quality/erosion patterns.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1990, Oregon State University

Invasive plant ecology in managed systems. Plant population and community ecology in agroecosystems and wildlands with an emphasis on applying science to solve management problems. Research approach often includes the use of simulation models to clarify and explore hypotheses associated with complex interactions associated with spatial and temporal plant population and community dynamics.

Professor, LRES & TBI

Ph.D. 1989, University of Minnesota

Soil microbiology, focusing on plant-microbe interactions, biological transformations in soils, and microbial diversity in extreme thermal soils.

Associate Professor, Earth Sciences

Ph.D. 2013, University of Arizona

Human-environment interactions in Mexico and U.S. West, political ecology of water management, climate change vulnerability and adaptation, governance at climate-water-energy nexus, science and technology studies.

Associate Professor, ARNR

Ph.D. 2010, Kansas State University

Wildlife habitat use and spatial ecology, population ecology, wildlife conservation and management

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1996, University of Massechusetts

Research and extension focused on integrated management of agricultural weeds. Understanding the mechanisms conditioning the abundance and distribution of annual and perennial weeds in agricultural systems.   Weed population and community dynamics, crop-weed competition, herbicide resistance, and weed management in conventional and alternative cropping systems.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1992, University of Minnesota

Development of diversified cropping systems under water-limited conditions to maintain or improve soil quality, economic returns and sustainable practices. Resource-use-efficiency in no-till and organic systems, spring and winter pulse crop agronomy, annual pea forage and green manure systems, and farming strategies for reducing green house gas emissions.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1981, Colorado State University

Insect behavior and ecology, with particular reference to foraging, pollination, thermoregulation, and parental strategies; influence of land management practices on insect communities; biological constraints on insect population and community sampling.

Associate Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2009, Colorado School of Mines

Role of water movement in the structure and function of watershed ecosystems; integration of biogeochemical and hydrologic models; inference of watershed ecosystem behavior from spatially distributed stream water quality; influence of valley floor hydrologic systems on whole-watershed behavior and on stream-riparian ecosystem behavior.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1995, University of Lincoln - Nebraska

Human and ecological risk assessments for agricultural technologies, physiological responses of plants to biotic stressors, plant-insect interactions, economic decision level theory and development, and integrated pest management theory.

Raina Plowright

Associte Professor, MCB

Ph.D. 2007, University of California, Davis

Integrate epidemiology, ecology, and veterinary medicine to investigate the dynamics of disease systems that connect human and animal populations, with a focus on pathogens that occur in wildlife but can spill over to domestic animals and humans, as well as infectious diseases that impact wildlife conservation.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2000, University of Montana

Integrate knowledge to understand the spatial ecology of stream and river ecosystems. Diverse interests include Landscape Ecology, Stream Ecology, Forest Ecology, Hydrology, Geomorphology, and Hydrogeology. Most efforts relate to the study of flood plains and river networks in the emerging field of Fluvial Landscape Ecology.

Associate Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 2004, Montana State University

Forest ecology and dynamics; integration of remote sensing data, GIS, and field data for ecological applications; modeling aboveground biomass and carbon sequestration; land cover and land use change analysis; invasive species monitoring.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1993, University of Reading, Britain

Spatial distribution & dynamics of non-indigenous/weed populations & how to detect, map & model such populations, both in agricultural and natural systems.

Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1990, University of Idaho

Ecology; population dynamics; habitat relationships; and management of avian species.

Professor, Earth Sciences

Ph.D. 2001, University of Alberta, Canada

Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology of glaciated systems

Assistant Research Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2017, University of California - Davis

Sub-alpine forest ecology, alpine plant community ecology, plant community responses to climate change, botany, and fire ecology in Sierra Nevada, Great Basin, and Rocky Mountain ecosystems.

Professor, ARNR

Ph.D. 1989, New Mexico State University

Habitat ecology and management.  Wildlife and livestock herbivory.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1988, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Weed physiology research centering on understanding how environmental, insect, and herbicide stresses influence crop and weed productivity.  Emphasis on role of oxidative stress tolerance mechanisms in weed/crop interactions, and alkaloid biosynthesis by the locoweed/endophyte complex.

Assistant Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2017, Oregon State University

Plant physiological responses to and interactions with the environment (especially drought and heat stress) in high-elevation pine and grass species.

Assistant Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 2013, University of British Columbia

Physiological mechanisms underlying organismal and population responses in aquatic ecosystems. Focuses include climate change impacts and bioenergetics.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1990, McGill University

Chemical ecology and behavior, biological control, plant-insect interactions, and spatial ecology. Plant and insect semiochemical interactions

Research Fishery Biologist, USFWS

Ph.D. 2000, University of California Davis

Reproductive physiology of fishes; physiological ecology; effects of temperature and contaminants on reproductive function of fishes

Professor, Earth Sciences

Ph.D. 1983, University of Washington

Quaternary environmental change, vegetation, fire, and climate history of the western U.S. and southern South America

David W. Willey

Associate Research Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1998, Colorado State University

Ecology; population dynamics; habitat relationships; and management of avian species.

Professor, LRES

Ph.D. 1991, University of Minnesota

Below-ground ecology of weed-invaded systems, metal-contaminated sites, and recreation-impacted high elevations sites; restoring impacted areas on both disturbed and undisturbed natural systems impacted areas

Affiliate Professor, Ecology

Ph.D. 1984, University of Florida

Applied aquatic ecology; effects of hydropower and reservoirs on fish populations; fisheries management.