MSU Diversity Council

February 18, 2021

1:30-3:00 pm




Ariel Donohue- Chair,

Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer


Kimberly Anderson- All Staff Council


Marianne Brough- Division of Student Success


PJ Diamond- Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons


Liz Greenfield- Academic Diversity Partner- JJCBE


Alison Harmon-

Academic Deans


Bridget Kevane- Academic Diversity Partner- CLS


Kyla Bush- Bobcat Athletics


Brennan Reeves- Office of International Programs


Bradford Watson- Faculty Senate


Michael Lee- Graduate Partnerships


Mayuri Singh – Student Diversity Representative


Vacant- Associated Students of MSU


















Other Participants












I. Welcome

II. Approval of minutes from January 21, 2021: Approved

III. Approval of Diversity Council bylaws: Approved with the addition below.

     Faculty Senate and All Staff Council will provide representative for 2-year terms with the option to alternate between the two councils.

IV. Discussion: BIPOC action priorities

  1. Develop an undergraduate certificate program and/or a minor in Africana Studies by AY 2023-24. Individual responsible: Dean Yves Idzerda
  2. Expand and sustain Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) trainings around racial equity topics that provide opportunities for ongoing involvement from BIPOC students, using evaluation responses to inform existing training need. Individual responsible: CFE Director, Dean Adams
  3. Submit a formal request for new Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC) space that supports the vison for expanding services and offerings to more directly support BIPOC students and address issues of racial equity. Individuals responsible VP for Student Success, Chris Kearns and Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer, Ariel Donohue

Next Steps: Partners are engaging in conversations regarding the priorities and timelines.

ASMSU efforts are set for a potential roll out in Spring.  Ideas around incentives for committees and student membership are being discussed.

V. Discussion: Diversity metrics

                 Goal 3.3 in the 7-year Strategic Plan is to make/monitor progress on MSU Diversity framework

  1. Campus Climate and Intergroup relations
    1. Create a civil, supportive respective environment where difference is a source of strength
  2. Education and Scholarship
    1. Equip student, faculty and staff with the knowledge, experiences, and competencies necessary to be successful in a multicultural, international, pluralistic society
  3. Access and Success
    1. Recruit, promote the success of, and foster a sense of security and belonging for a diverse student body, faculty, and staff.
  4. Leadership and Accountability
    1. Provide strong active, and viable leadership for diversity, equity, and inclusion
  5. Communication
    1. Increase the campus community’s appreciation for the value of diversity at Montana State University through active communication to highlight underrepresented  identities.

VI. Public comment


  • EHHD is conducting Diversity Dialogue sessions and everyone is welcome.

  • Wednesday from 1-2pm DISC is hosting an event celebrating Black Military Service. More information is on the website and MSU Calendar

  • Marianne Brough has 3-4 books that would like to share.

  • Email Ariel Donohue if you are still interested in signing up for a sub-committee

  • Several professional development opportunities through HR and other venues. Discussion of possible featured speakers and researchers; international programs/initiatives

Next meeting: March 18, 2021 from 1:30-3:00 pm via WebEx