Need help getting started?

Visit Cisco Collaboration Help for step-by-step instructions and information about using Webex Teams. 

Check out Webex Quick Classes for short webinars on using Webex. You can register for an upcoming class or view recordings of past sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions 

These questions/answers are specific to accessing Webex Teams at MSU.  Use links above for general use questions, etc.

Download Webex Teams app here.

Get the mobile app (Windows, iOS, Android) by searching for "Webex Teams" on your device's app store.  

Enter your or email address.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  To use the MSU instance of Spark you must use an or email address so that your account will be associated with MSU. Entering a address will create a public account that is not associated with MSU or your MSU credentials.  Don't worry, aside from associating your account with MSU and account verification on mobile apps it won't be used.

Students can find their MSU addresses by logging into My Profile at clicking on User Information. The address will be next to Office 365 Email Address.

  1. Open the Webex Teams app on your device or you can access the web client in your browser. 
  2. When prompted, enter your or email address. 

    You'll be sent to MSU's sign in page:
  3. Enter your [email protected] 
    (for example: [email protected])
     and NetID password when prompted.

The Webex Teams app will open.

Yes!  The Webex Teams Power Pack  is a collection of individual tools (like add-ons) that will allow you to perform repetitive tasks in bulk like:

  • adding multiple members to a team or space
  • sending the same message to multiple spaces
  • exporting a list of space members to a csv file or screen  

To access and use the tools go to Power Pack.

For access help, follow the instructions in the Add/invite multiple people... faq below.

Image of Spark Power Pack tools.Click image for larger version of image.

You can add or invite large numbers of people to your team or space all at the same time using the Invites tool and Team Space Manager available for download from Power Pack.  These tools will allow you to load new members in bulk by either cutting and pasting a list or uploading a .csv file. 

To access and use the tools: 

  1. Go to Webex Power Pack and click/tap the green Authorize button.
  2. Enter your address and click/tap Next button.
  3. Sign in with your [email protected] and NetID password.
  4. Accept the Power Pack request for permission.
  5. Click Invites to bulk add people to an existing space or to a new space you create at the same time.
  6. Click Team Space Manager to bulk add members to an existing team and to it's spaces or to a new team you create at the same time.