August 21, 2018 - PCOSUW Executive Committee meeting – 3-4pm, 325 LJH

  1. Welcome
    1. The committee introduced who we are and what we do to incoming co-chair Leon Costello
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Sub-committee reports
    1. 125th Event – Nika Stoop
      1. There will be a meeting September 5th to go over profiles, fundraising, and event preparation
      2. The library installation will go up October 19th
  • The football game will November 3rd
  1. A new email address for the PCOSUW was created for communications: [email protected] – Becca and Nika have access
  2. There will be a news release when the profiles are available
  1. Assessment – TBD
    1. Searching for someone to chair this committee
  2. Communications – Yvonne Rudman
    1. Working closely with the 125th Event committee
  3. Nominations – Tracy Sterling
    1. Almost a full roster! Searching for Assessment Chair
  4. Policy – Emily Stark
    1. Pregnant student policy
  5. Recognition – Betsy Danforth
    1. Need to secure funding for the student and faculty/staff awards
  6. Planning for AY2019
  7. Upcoming schedule with reps from Full Commission to learn more about their efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion and identify how the Commission can assist (at Executive Committee meetings)
    1. 2017/2018 Semester Guests, 2-2:30pm
      1. 11/9/17 CEDAW – Jan Strout and Lauren Gette-King
      2. 1/11/17 Legal Counsel – Kellie Peterson and Communications – Tracy Ellig
  • 2/8/17 Women’s Faculty Caucus – Leila Sterman
  1. 4/12/17 Family Advocates – Bridget Kevane/Sara Rushing/Michelle Miley
  2. 5/10/17 Graduate Students – Stephanie Wilson
  1. Future Date:
    1. DISC/D&I Advisory Council – Ariel Donohue
    2. VOICE Center – Alanna Sherstad
  • Center for Faculty Excellence – Marilyn Lockhart
  1. Women’s and Gender Studies – Kristen Intemann
  2. Faculty Senate – Julia Haggerty & Abbie Richards
  3. Staff Senate -
  • Professional Council – Yvonne Rudman
  • Human Resources – Stephanie Pressley
  1. MSU Great Falls – Mary Kay Bonilla
  2. MSU Billings – Jennifer Lynn
  3. MSU Northern – Darlene Sellers
  • Department Heads – John Paxton
  • Deans – Brett Gunnink
  • Extension – Carrie Ashe
  1. ASMSU –
  1. Other Business?
    1. There is an on-going search for the Senior Diversity & Inclusion Officer
    2. The DAO is now the Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons (DISC)


October 16, 2018 - PCOSUW Executive Committee meeting – 3-4pm, 325 LJH

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve Minutes – Working on piecing together minutes from August
  3. NASEM Report – Webinar and Dr. Kirkland Lecture
    1. There is a webinar on November 9th, BB will send PCOSUW listserv the information, YR will send WISE and other groups the information
    2. Dr. Kirkland will be here the week of March 4th, BB will work to get the lecture on President Cruzado’s calendar
  • YR will work to figure out a master class, other engagements
  1. Update: Public lecture will be March 7th in Inspiration Hall (in Norm Asbjornson Hall)
  1. Sub-committee reports
    1. 125th Event – Nika Stoop
      1. Honorees and nominators have been notified
      2. Collection of materials for profiles is going well – website is drafted
  • Beginning to plan for the event on November 2nd and football game on November 3rd
  1. Working with the library on the installation
  1. Assessment – Ian Handley
    1. Nothing to report
  2. Communications – Yvonne Rudman
    1. Working with the 125th Event committee
    2. Thinking about ways to promote Dr. Kirkland lecture
  3. Nominations – Tracy Sterling
  4. Policy – Emily Stark
    1. The committee now has 4 members and they are working on a policy for pregnant students
  5. Recognition – Betsy Danforth
    1. BD will get in touch with Julie Heard to make sure the call for awards goes out to the all faculty and staff listserv
    2. Nominations close October 31st
  6. Upcoming schedule with reps from Full Commission to learn more about their efforts around diversity, equity and inclusion and identify how the Commission can assist (at Executive Committee meetings)
    1. 2018/2019 Semester Guests, 3-3:30 pm – on hiatus
    2. 2017/2018 Semester Guests, 2-2:30pm
      1. 11/9/17 CEDAW – Jan Strout and Lauren Gette-King
      2. 1/11/17 Legal Counsel – Kellie Peterson and Communications – Tracy Ellig
  • 2/8/18 Women’s Faculty Caucus – Leila Sterman
  1. 4/12/18 Family Advocates – Bridget Kevane/Sara Rushing/Michelle Miley
  2. 5/10/18 Graduate Students – Stephanie Wilson
  1. Future Date:
    1. DISC/D&I Advisory Council – Ariel Donohue
    2. VOICE Center – Alanna Sherstad
  • Center for Faculty Excellence – Marilyn Lockhart
  1. Women’s and Gender Studies – Kristen Intemann
  2. Faculty Senate – Julia Haggerty & Abbie Richards
  3. Staff Senate -
  • Professional Council – Yvonne Rudman
  • Human Resources – Cathy Hasenpflug
  1. MSU Great Falls – Mary Kay Bonilla
  2. MSU Billings – Jennifer Lynn
  3. MSU Northern – Darlene Sellers
  • Department Heads – John Paxton
  • Deans – Brett Gunnink
  • Extension – Carrie Ashe
  1. ASMSU – Lizzy Thompson
  1. Other Business?


Agenda November 20, 2018 - PCOSUW Executive Committee meeting – 3-4pm, 325 LJH

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. NASEM Report – Webinar and Dr. Kirkland Lecture
    1. Lecture will be March 7th in Inspiration Hall
  4. Sub-committee reports
    1. 125th Event – Nika Stoop
    2. Assessment – Ian Handley
    3. Communications – Yvonne Rudman
    4. Nominations – Tracy Sterling
    5. Policy – Emily Stark
    6. Recognition – Betsy Danforth
  5. Other Business?


Next Meeting: December 18th, 3-4 PM Leon Johnson Hall