Here are your Monday Minutes for the week of September 7-11, 2020.

Please make a point of reading this email every Monday (or Tuesday), as it highlights key department announcements, opportunities, and events, particularly events hosted by one of the Department of Education’s student clubs. It covers everything you need to know in a single email message.

From the Department Head

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, 

Can you believe that our Fall 2020 semester is 20% complete? We are still able to hold face to face classes due to your care for the community- we all have a part in keeping each other safe by wearing masks, social distancing, and cleaning our individual areas with our Clean Cat Kits. Keep it up, Bobcats! 

My message this week is simple. Please keep those affected by the wildfires in the western United States and elsewhere in your thoughts and consider donating to the Red Cross Wildfire Relief fund. Please also keep our emergency responders and their families in your thoughts. Be safe!

Take good care,

 Ann Dutton Ewbank's signature 

Dr. Ann Ewbank

From the Advising Office

  • The Education Advising Center is currently offering a mix of in-person and remote advising options. We’re planning in small incrementsto allow us to adapt to changing conditions, so the following is our schedule through Friday, September 11:
    • In-Person Walk-In Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:30-11:30 am, in Reid 123 (down the hall from the Education Advising Center). Please note that we may continue to scale back in-person hours and prioritize availability for remote appointments as the semester continues.
    • Phone or Webex Appointments: M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, as available. You can schedule appointments at
    • And, as always, you can contact us via email or phone. We’re available to respond during normal business hours (M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm).
  • Applications to the Teacher Education Program (required for any students planning to take EDM 3xx/4xx - Teaching Methods and/or EDP 3xx - Teaching Practicum in Spring 2021) are due Tuesday, September 15. Students who have already been accepted to the TEP do not need to reapply.
  • The Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education in Reid 418 is open M-Th, 9am-3pm, for students, staff and faculty. The Center offers a safe and socially-distanced space for students to collaborate and receive support. See the attached flyer for scheduled CBME programming.
  • All Monday Minutes are archived and available for your reference.
  • Make sure to check the MSU COVID-19 webpage frequently as university and system-wide updates are available all in one place.


  • MSU Women's Center Sack Lunch Seminar Series - Science Math Resource Center Director Suzi Taylor - “Why Should We Care if Girls Like Math? -  Thursday, September 10th, at noon in SUB 168: Join Suzi Taylor, MSU Science Math Resource Center, and discover why math is considered “the most misunderstood subject,” look at trends for girls and women in STEM, and examine surprising data about women’s attitudes toward math in countries around the world!

Work/Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer for ASMSU’s new Supreme Court: ASMSU (student government) is looking for justices to serve as part of the ASMSU Supreme Court. The court consists of seven students, nominated by the student body President and approved by the Senate. The ASMSU Supreme Court is responsible for reviewing and interpreting actions of the Senate, reviewing student appeals, and managing Elections grievances and other complaints by interpreting the ASMSU Constitution, ASMSU governing documents, and Montana State Law. Applications can be submitted at: If you have any questions about the position or applying, feel free to contact Caitlin Carmody, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, at [email protected].
  • Big Brothers Big Sisters looking for volunteers: Did you know there are over 30 Littles in Southwest Montana who are waiting to be matched to their perfect "Big" (mentor)? That’s why this September, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Big Sky Country's goal is to recruit 30 Bigs in 30 days! If you have ever considered becoming a mentor to a child or are just looking for a way to give back to your community - what are you waiting for? Now more than ever, kids need stability and ways to engage and connect during these uncertain times. All that is required of you is a year-long commitment of 1-2 hours a week. For more information on becoming a Big, visit our website or reach out to us on Facebook or Instagram!

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!


Take care,

David Reese
Academic Advisor
MSU Department of Education
[email protected]

Click here to schedule an appointment