Horse projects provide youth with an opportunity to handle, care for, ride or drive horses. There are nine horse projects. Members must have completed levels 1-3 in Horsemanship to participate in the Advanced Horse Projects. Members are eligible to participate in Horse projects according to ability and skill level. SKILL LEVELS DO NOT NECESSARILY CORRESPOND TO YEARS. It is possible to complete several levels in a year; or youth may take several years to complete one level. Assessment checklists are provided in the Horse Project Helper's Guide for leaders to determine when a member completes the levels.

Montana Horse Helmet Policy

A certified equestrian helmet with safety harness fastened is required in over fence classes and gymkhana events, activities and practice sessions. Gymkhana refers to horseback speed events (timed or un-timed) that do not use livestock. Events in this category include, but are not limited to barrel racing, pole bending, keyhole, stake, rescue races, pony express race, etc. Events not included in this policy are calf roping, team roping, goat tying, and team penning that may be timed, but use livestock. Participants in the 4-H Horse Project are required to attend a helmet education workshop and/or view the video “Every Time, Every Ride” once as a junior 4-H member (8-13) and once as a senior 4-H member (14 and up). It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the 4-H member to see that headgear complies with standards and is in good condition. The Montana 4-H Center for Youth Development encourages the use of ASTM certified/SEI approved safety helmets in all equine events. Protective headgear may be used in all classes and shall not be discriminated against. Helmet use is encouraged in all 4-H horse activities any time a 4-H member is around a horse. Counties may establish more stringent policies regarding helmet use.


L Horse Education DVD “Every Time, Every Ride”, 5324


Horsemanship is the basis for the horse project. All members must complete Horsemanship levels 1, 2 and 3 before entering another Horse project, with the exception of Horse Judging, Careers with Horses, Horse Showing and Packing, and Working Ranch Horse, which may be taken simultaneously with a mounted horse level. (See project descriptions for specific assessment requirements.) Horsemanship has seven levels. Depending on riding form, use the following to enroll in the appropriate level.

Level 1      Level 1
Level 2      Level 2
Level 3      Level 3
Level 4      Level 4
Level 5      Level 5
Level 6      Level 6
Level 7      Level 7

NOTE: Remember, for the state horse show, you can show only one level above or below the level in which you are enrolled.


M Horsemanship, Levels I–3, 5246
M Horsemanship, Levels 4-7, 5262
M Horsemanship Resource Manual, Levels 1-7, 5346
M 4-H Horse Showing Project Manual, 5253
L Every Time Every Ride DVD (Horse Helmets), 5324

Horseless Horse

If you currently do not have a horse but think that one day you will and will want to participate in other horse projects, you should enroll in this project. As a “Horseless Horse” project member, you can also participate in horse judging and horse career projects without your own horse.

Horseless Horse 1

Learn how to identify parts of a horse, horse behavior, horse breeds, costs of raising a horse, how to care for a horse, horse facilities, horse safety rules and more. Learning about horses is not all you’ll do. You’ll also have the opportunity to present a demonstration, take tours, watch a horse show and attend a horse clinic.


Do at least seven of the required and optional activities in Level 1. Complete at least 21 of the required and optional activities in Level 1 within three years to complete this project.


M Giddy Up and Go, 01518Y

Horseless Horse 2

Learn about selecting a horse, nutrition, care, teeth, bones, judging and how to give oral reasons.


Do at least seven of the required and optional activities in Level 2. Complete at least 21 of the required and optional activities in Level 2 within three years to complete this project.


M Head, Heart and Hooves, BU8054

Horseless Horse 3

This level of the horseless horse project rounds your knowledge about horses and prepares you for eventual horse ownership. In this level, explore horse reproduction, diseases, health care and pasture management. Learn about appropriate shelters and financial planning, and be equipped to teach others about horses.


Do at least seven of the required and optional activities in Level 3. Complete at least 21 of the required and optional activities in Level 3 with three years to complete this project.


M Stable Relationships, 01520Y

Horseless Horse 4

Learn nine basic riding skills and 10 horsemanship skills. Also learn training techniques, all about trail riding and selection and use of tack.


Do at least seven of the required and optional activities in Level 4. Complete at least 21 of the required and optional activities in Level 4 within three years to complete this project.


M Riding the Range, 01521Y

Horseless Horse 5

Learn more advanced riding skills. Also learn the Quarter System, horse showmanship, ethics and leadership.


Do at least seven of the required and optional activities in Level 5. Complete at least 21 of the required and optional activities in Level 5 within three years to complete this project.


M Jumping to New Heights, 01522Y

Additional Resources for All Horseless Horse Levels

Horse Project Helper’s Guide, 01523F Features group activities such as Horse Bingo, You be the Judge, Corral Your Character and Skill-a-thons.

Colt to Maturity, Levels 1-5

This project is for those who own or have available a colt or filly to care for and train. This is a five-year progressive project beginning with a yearling. The project is designed to help you select a foal and train it to maturity. In order to enroll in this project, you must be 11 on Oct. 1; have completed Horsemanship levels 1, 2 and 3; and demonstrated ability to handle the project to the county horse leader or designated person. Stallions will be allowed only in the yearling phase. Check with local county fair rules on exhibiting.

Level 1 Level 4
Level 2 Level 5
Level 3


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M 4-H Training Horses - Yearlings to Five-Year-Olds & Green Horses, 5336
M 4-H Colt to Maturity, 5248
M 4-H Horse Showing Project Manual, 5253

Working Ranch Horse, Levels 1-4

This project prepares you and your horse for general ranch work including roping, cutting, and penning. Also learn the heritage and traditions of the American cowboy. Competitions (called gatherings) may be offered at the county or regional level.


4-H members may enroll in the 4-H Working Ranch Horse Project independently or concurrently with the Horsemanship Project Levels 1-7 depending on county requirements. Skills assessments determine the project level of each participant and are conducted on the county level.


M Montana 4-H Working Ranch Horse Manual (Levels 1-4), 5250

Horse Packing, Levels 1-5

This project develops your knowledge and skills in the art and science of using horses to transport materials. This project also provides opportunities for enjoying nature in a way that is otherwise difficult. Members may enroll in this project simultaneously with any other mounted horse project.


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M 4-H Horse Packing Manual, 5251

Horse Driving, Levels 1-4

This is a project to teach basic horse driving skills, safety and training a horse to drive in single or multiple hitches. Members must have completed assessment for horse projects to participate in this project.

Prerequisite: Horsemanship levels 1-3


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M 4-H Horse Driving Project Manual, 5252

Horse Judging

This project teaches you to select and evaluate horses, give oral reasons and place classes of conformation horses and performance horses. Members may enroll in this project simultaneously with any mounted horse project.


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M New Mexico 4-H Horse Judging Manual, NM200R48

Green Horse, Levels 1-4

This project is for those who have horses that are not fully trained, but don’t fit into the colt to maturity project because of age or ability. To participate in this project, you must be 11 on Oct. 1; have completed Horsemanship levels 1, 2 and 3; and have demonstrated an ability to handle the project to the county horse leader or designated person.


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M 4-H Green Horse, Levels 1-4, 5256
M 4-H Training Horses - Yearlings to Five-Year-Olds & Green Horses, 5336
M 4-H Horse Showing Project Manual, 5253

Careers with Horses

This project is intended to acquaint you with careers in the
horse industry and may be taken simultaneously with any mounted horse project.


The project leader or agent can assist the member in setting goals for each project year. Completion of these goals will satisfy the requirements of this project.


M 4-H Horse Careers Manual, 5255

Small Equine

This project explores many aspects of the Small Equine industry including breed basics, health and nutrition, reproduction, and grooming. This project also allows members to learn about competitions specific to small equines.  


Members do not need to be enrolled in regular Horsemanship classes to participate in the Small Equine Project. 


M 4-H Small Equine Manual, 4H182

Horse Independent Study/Advanced