May 4-H Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Club Meetings:

Geyser Lucky Clovers NA
Stanford Scramblers NA
Utica Sapphires NA
Other Dates:
May 10, 2020 Mothers' Day
May 15, 2020 Sheep & Goat Weights due
May 25, 2020 Memorial Day
June 15, 2020 State Ambassador Officer
Team Applications due
Hi Folks,
While we are still in Phase 1 of the Governor’s plan, we are still discouraging groups
of more than 10 people from gathering, and discouraging groups of less than 10 if
the 6 ft. distance can’t be maintained. We have had to cancel 4-H Camp at Rotary,
and our Tween Camp for this summer, due to these guidelines. However, at this time,
we are Still Planning for the JBC Fair! Even if it isn’t just like usual, we will
have fair in some form or fashion. So, please enter your projects as you would on
any other year, and we will keep you all updated with any changes, or modifications
to the process if and when they happen. I hope everyone is having a good spring, and
I truly look forward to seeing all of you when that becomes an option! In the mean-time,
I am still here to help, answer questions, and hear concerns or ideas from you! Please
don’t hesitate to call if you need something.
Have a great May!
Fair Entry is OPEN!!
Please get your 2020 Judith Basin County Fair entries done by July 1st!
Go to and search Judith Basin County Fair
It has been decided to take the Cross Border Classic Horse and Livestock Judging contest virtual this year! There will be an instructional Zoom meeting on May 11 at 6:00 pm and then the first class will be sent out. One class will be emailed out a day, with placings and reasons due within 24 hours. There will be 1 horse class and 4 livestock classes. We will send out more info on this as it becomes available.
The Montana 4-H State Ambassador program provides opportunities for youth to represent
4-H through leadership and service at the state level. State Ambassadors Officers
are a select team of Montana 4-H Ambassadors that have
demonstrated leadership in their county 4-H programs, and who are interested in developing
and refining skills to teach other 4-H youth about leadership, promotion and service.
Applications are due postmarked to the 4-H Center by June 15, 2020. The ambassador
officer selection process takes place during pre-congress events.
4-H Congress is going virtual! With the new standard we are living by these days there
have been many changes. One
of these changes involves Montana 4-H Congress. Virtual events and activities will
take place during the regularly scheduled congress week, July 6-10, 2020. Information
about the event will be distributed in the following ways. We will be sending updates
regarding officer selection, contests, workshops and other activities as plans are
The Montana Range Days was scheduled to take place in Dillon, MT.
This event has been canceled.
FairEntry Instructions pdf download May 2020 4-H Newsletter pdf download