Based on self-study data collected annually since 2013, this feedback addresses general challenges, successes, and plans that arose as common themes across the Montana State University Bozeman campus. The aim of the document is to provide specific feedback to assist in overcoming challenges by providing insight from other units, departments, and other institutions on how to address issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusiveness. 

If you have a specific area for feedback that you are interested in, please select from the menu below. Otherwise, please scroll down the page for feedback addressing any concerns. Download a PDF version here.

Feedback Topics

  1. Mission Statements
  2. Starting the Conversation
  3. Recruitment
    1. Staff Recruitment
    2. Faculty Recruitment
    3. Slow Hiring Process
  4. Compensation & Resources
    1. Staff Compensation
    2. Faculty Compensation and Start-Up
    3. Faculty Lines
  5. Partner Accommodations
    1. Staff Partner Accommodations
    2. Faculty Partner Accommodations
  6. Equity
  7. Advancement
  8. "We have no problem"
  9. Planning Ahead
    1. Faculty Mentoring
    2. Strategic Planning
    3. Modified Duties/FMLA
  10. Other Issues

Mission Statements

When a potential student, job candidate, or visitor tries to get a feeling for what the culture looks like at their potential future academic home, they will often look first to a mission statement provided by the department or organization. 

Montana State University’s Statement on Diversity was published as an institution-level of commitment creating a culture in which diverse perspectives and experiences are embraced.  Some departments and units across campus have followed with updating their specific mission statements with inclusive, inviting language:

We strive to support students and faculty, we strive to provide a collaborative environment, we strive to graduate students who lean to apply psychological principles to solving personal, interpersonal, or social problems, understand and foster respect for diversity and act ethically” (Department of Psychology).

Starting the Conversation

Getting conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusivity going can be a challenge as chairs and directors are not always prepared to guide such sensitive discussions.  However, an inclusive department should allow open communication and the values of each member to be discussed without fear of backlash. A representative from ADVANCE would be happy to come visit your department meeting to help facilitate conversations around the subject matter reported in the self studies, or you can use the following resources to help guide a discussion.

See appendix for:

Self-Study Discussion Facilitator Guide


Recruitment must be an active process, whereby time is taken to write a broad and inclusive advertisement, attention is given to making sure the advertisement is placed in key outlets, and the department commits to actively recruiting qualified people at conferences and via email/phone calls.

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Staff Recruitment

Low Number of Applicants (Especially Diversity Candidates): Several respondents commented that diversity was stymied by the low number of diverse applicants. It may be true that it is difficult to recruit a diverse applicant pool for some positions; however, in some cases more can be done during the search process.

  • Meet with HR Before Beginning Search: MSU's Human Resources Department (HR) is a valuable resource to find ways to diversity your applicant pool. In addition to providing strategies, HR can assist your search by providing resources to help establish a salary range and other useful strategies. It is highly recommended that you meet with HR to before posting the position to discuss diversity in your search and establish a plan for your process.
    You may find it helpful to review the Recruitment and Hiring Handbook before you start the process. It can be found here:
  • Advertise/Contact Professional Organizations: Often, professional/trade organizations specific to your industry or expertise exist for diversifying your pool. These would be great places to advertise your position. In addition, some publications that cater specifically to minorities should be considered. Some examples include:
  • Use MSU Search Toolkit: The MSU Search Toolkit can be very helpful for search committees involved in hiring for any level of position (although the focus in the Toolkit is on faculty): MSU Search Toolkit.
    Search committees should keep in mind that unintended bias can often play a role in recruitment efforts, whereby the same vitae or resume is viewed differently depending on the gender/ethnicity/sexual orientation of the applicant. If a department's goal is to recruit a diverse unit group, it is important to take the time to carefully examine and evaluate all candidates, especially those who can add different faces and life perspectives to the unit.

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Faculty Recruitment

Low Number of Applicants (Especially Diversity Candidates): Project TRACS and HR can assist in many ways with your recruitment needs, and the earlier in the process the better. Keep in mind that unintended bias can often play a role in recruitment efforts, whereby the same vitae or resume are viewed differently depending on the gender/ethnicity/sexual orientation of the applicant. If a department's goal is to recruit a diverse faculty, it is important to take the time to carefully examine and evaluate all candidates, especially those that can add different faces and life perspectives to your department.

Below are links to tips and strategies for recruiting a broad diverse pool of applicants:

Pipeline (Very few women and/or minorities who have PhDs): A particular recruitment challenge that emerged among many departments was the "pipeline" problem, which is a metaphor describing a phenomenon in which a proportionate number of men and women enter academia at the front end, but far fewer women emerge from the other end as full professors due to circumstances that "leak" women from the profession.

  • As one MSU Department Head wrote, "The biggest challenge is simply that only a third of all Ph.D.s in [our field] are earned by women, and only a small percentage of women who earn Ph.D.s choose to become tenure track professors. It is difficult for us to provide an appropriately diverse faculty when there are only a small number of women faculty members in the pipeline."
         While the "pipeline issue" is certainly a challenge, highly qualified women and minorities are present in every field. According to Boushey (2005) the percentage of highly-educated women in the labor market is not in decline, despite popular opinion. But, yes, the percentage might be low. We can thus use the percentage information as a meter by which to assess the depth of an applicant pool. Have 15% women in the pipeline? Then aim for better than 15% in your applicant pool and finalist pool.
         As Dr. Virginia Valian (2007) explains, pipelines (especially in science-related fields) tend to "leak" women at a higher rate than men for a variety of reasons, including childcare, values, and normative feedback. One way to combat the pipeline issue is to reflect on how to improve the climate in your department for undergraduate students and graduate students (if applicable), in ways that encourage women and minorities to continue in the pipeline. Studies show that students are more likely to persist and succeed when they can identify with similar role models and mentors. (e.g., Marx & Ko, 2012).

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Recruitment - Slow Hiring Process

Respondents identified the search process at the University as a barrier to their recruitment and hiring needs. The lack of clarity in the application process and the time consuming search and hiring process (search requirements, justifications, etc.) lend to losing competitive and qualified candidates. In conjunction with low salaries and restrictive pay scales this can be especially frustrating.

  • Hiring authorities and search committee chairs and should be especially attentive to the search process, ensuring unnecessary delays are avoided. Working closely with Human Resources at the beginning of the search process will set the stage for the search. Understanding the established parameters for the position ahead of time is critical.
  • Having conversations with Human Resources regarding the wage parameters of the position (pay scales and classification) in advance will provide a baseline for the offer conversation and will reduce conversations with Human Resources later.
    • Established pay bands for classified positions can be requested from Human Resources by calling 406-994-3651.

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Compensation & Resources

Staff Compensation

In both 2013 and 2014, staff compensation arose as a barrier to successful support of diversity and inclusiveness in administrative units. Several of the units commented that low salaries are a barrier in attracting, hiring, and retaining qualified and diverse employees. In one unit that is staffed predominantly by women, the comment was that diversifying with male employees was difficult because of low pay.

Although units do not have a great deal of control over salaries, there are some approaches that can be effective in minimizing the effects of low pay:

  • For example, it is imperative that only the candidate decides whether he or she is satisfied with the offered salary. Search committees and hiring authorities should not preemptively rule someone out because of a potentially inaccurate perception. High salaries are not always the deciding factor for where promising candidates choose employment. As Ferriman, Lubinski, and Benbow (2009) found, women value more than salary when searching for employment, including many things MSU can offer, such as work-life integration.
  • Also, if the position is a classified position, hiring authorities should consider talking to candidates about the possibility of longevity bonuses, which are available for some employees after a certain number of years.
  • In some cases, diversity could be enhanced by offering candidates perks other than salary; for example: flex time, telecommuting (when possible), and other quality of life issues could mean more than additional salary to some candidates.
  • It is also important that, once a woman or minority is made an offer, everyone involved works hard to negotiate as high a salary as possible for that candidate. There is a robust gender gap in negotiation-willingness, likely because many women are aware that assertiveness can often provoke backlash and social disapproval (Amanatullah & Morris, 2010; Kray & Thompson, 2005). Concerns about inversion are very real, but we need to fight that battle separately and do not compress the salary of new hires. The only way this salary challenge will be overcome is to offer the best starting salary possible.
  • Finally, some may be concerned that outstanding diverse staff will be recruited away from MSU for higher salary. This may be. After all, as Dr. Virginia Valian points out, "even when men and women start out with equal salaries, as is more and more the case, they become unequal over time." As such, it is important for unit leaders to offer professional development and advancement opportunities for staff.

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Faculty Compensation

Salary and start up packages are too low at MSU: Another common recruitment related challenge was salary and start up packages. As one Department Head wrote, 'Our biggest challenge is lack of funds to recruit and retain diverse students and faculty.'

This is a concern often echoed:

"There are no women in our field, and those who are available are in high demand and MSU can't compete given our low salaries."
Though women and minorities are scarce in some fields, it is rarely the case that there are none. In a study by Turner (in Diversifying the Faculty) the majority - 54% - of prestigious Ford Fellowship recipients (all of whom are minorities) were not aggressively pursued for faculty positions despite holding postdoctoral research appointments for up to six years. Only 11% of women/minority scholars were recruited by several institutions, thus the remaining 89% were not involved in any 'competitive bidding war.'"

  • It is imperative that only the candidate decides whether he or she is satisfied with the offered salary. Do not preemptively rule someone out because of a potentially inaccurate perception. High salaries are not always the deciding factor for where promising candidates choose employment. As Ferriman, Lubinski, and Benbow (2009) found, women value more than salary when searching for employment, including many things MSU can offer, such as work-life integration.
  • It is also important that, once a woman or minority is made an offer, everyone (faculty and administrators) works hard to negotiate as high a salary as possible for that candidate. There is a robust gender gap in negotiation-willingness, likely because many women are aware that assertiveness can often provoke backlash and social disapproval (Amanatullah & Morris, 2010; Kray & Thompson, 2005). Concerns about inversion are very real, but we need to fight that battle separately and do not compress the salary of new hires. The only way this salary challenge will be overcome is to offer the best starting salary possible.
  • Finally, some may be concerned that outstanding diverse faculty will be recruited away from MSU for higher salary and start-up. This may be. After all, as Dr. Virginia Valian points out, "even when men and women start out with equal salaries, as is more and more the case, they become unequal over time." As such, it is important for faculty and administrators to constantly evaluate and push for merit and other raise opportunities.

Faculty lines are hard to come by: As one Department Head explained, their department, "is also challenged by the inertia of our campus administration in providing new faculty lines specifically to increase diversity."

  • Additional faculty lines within departments are hard to come by. One thing departments can do is to think about how to make themselves look appealing to women and minority graduate and undergraduate students with the faculty they already have. In terms of recruitment, how does a department develop a culture of inclusivity so that, when they do search, they are very attractive to diverse candidates? Ideas include updating departmental websites to make sure they showcase women and minorities in the department; bringing in underrepresented minority speakers for colloquia; and celebrating the achievements of all faculty equally. Women are often less inclined to self-promote accomplishments (Moss-Racusin & Rudman, 2010), thus it is important that departments have a process to solicit "good news" from all faculty and to ensure that faculty are fairly considered for award nominations.

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Partner Accommodations

Staff Partner Accommodations

Several respondents commented that lack of partner accommodations has been a challenge in recruiting staff.

  • Human Resources and Project TRACS has hired a Dual Career Community Placement Liaison, Sharon Stoneberger, who has worked with MSU to establish the Dual Career Assistance Program through the office of Human Resources. This means that there is now support provided through MSU for both faculty and staff to work on finding their partner work in the Bozeman area. The following link has information on the resources available through this new program, and provides details on the process through which eligible candidates can receive assistance:
  • Dual Career Resources:

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Faculty Partner Accommodations

As one Department Head states, a major challenge is the "relative paucity of spousal job opportunities in Bozeman. We know we have lost excellent male and female candidates in the past because of these two issues. We have twice successfully negotiated NTT positions for spouses in other departments but these have both been temporary arrangements for 1-2 years for part-time positions and thus do not adequately meet the needs of full-time working spouses. Working spouses who are not interested in teaching as an NTT at MSU often have a very difficult time finding jobs in Bozeman."

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Overburdening women and minority faculty members with service assignments: As one Department Head states, "The biggest challenge is faculty workload, including the high teaching load, a high service load for the female department faculty on campus. The service + teaching load can damage research productivity."

This is certainly an important consideration and a reason that the College of Business, for example, recognizes that even with the necessity for diverse committees, they "take care not to over-burden female faculty with service assignments in the pursuit of female representation." To offer another example, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology works hard, "to make sure that we support the decision of female faculty when they need to say no to service commitments and help them balance these commitments in a way that meets both their needs and the needs of the department. We need to protect all junior faculty, but especially women and minority faculty, from being involved in too much service."

This problem is so well known, that the AAUP recently called it "the ivory ceiling of service work." Mentor junior faculty to outline a protected "research day" and, as a department leader, help coordinate that day within your department (e.g., being mindful of when faculty meetings are set, advising hours, etc). Keep track of the service obligations (and the prestige and workload associated with each obligation) so that department members are aware of an appreciative of each other's service load.

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Retaining and promoting women and minorities: As one Department Head noted, one of their biggest challenges is, "continuing to support women faculty members so that they can maintain a high quality of life -- i.e., we cannot just focus on recruiting women faculty, we also must support them throughout their careers."

  • Indeed, it is very important to mentor women and minority faculty who may not have access to typical avenues of support networks. As the School of Film and Photography states, "The recent increase in the number of women among the faculty has already had an evident effect in the development of a more collegial community among faculty, and more empowerment among the women faculty through mutual support." The Department of Education writes, "Women play a host of critical roles throughout our Department. We provide mentoring for the pre-tenure faculty in the area of leadership development and provide numerous opportunities for women to participate in professional development."
  • There are gender disparities in rank, advancement, grant dispersion, and salaries, across all professions (Long, 2001; United States & United States, 1994; Wenneras & Wold, 1997). According to Dr. Virginia Valian, "Women have to meet a higher standard in order to receive the same recognition as men do." The following tutorials provide some data and tips on methods of support:
  • The University of Wisconsin-Madison has developed helpful brochures on 
    • "Fostering Success for Women in Science and Engineering" and 
    • "Advancing Women in Science and Engineering: Advice to the Top"

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No Problem

"We don't have an issue with diversity -- our department treats everyone the same"

Why Diversity Matters

Simply because a department has equal numbers of men and women or even has more women than men, this does not mean the department feels inclusive. Check in with faculty (and staff and students too!) to see how they are feeling and what, if anything, might improve even the best of departments. If everything really is great, perhaps it is time to focus efforts on reaching out to other underrepresented minorities to truly add depth and diversity to your department and college.

Keep in mind that "gender neutral" does not mean "gender equal." In fact, much research shows that a color-blind (or gender blind) approach makes talking about diversity feel taboo and can isolate people who are less socially privileged. Although well-meaning, the sentiment that one "doesn't see gender" can lead to overlooking systematic bias and make it difficult to see discrimination when it happens (e.g., press release on Apfelbaum et al., 2012). What can be done? Embrace difference and talk openly about diversity and gender. Realize that men and women may have unique gendered experiences and concerns and be ready to talk openly about these issues. Do not judge in advance what kind of diversity might be possible at MSU, or in a state like Montana.

McCabe (2011) suggests these three steps to multiculturalism:

  • Recognizing and valuing differences,
  • Teaching and learning about differences, and
  • Fostering personal friendships and organizational alliances

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What are the short or long-term plans for providing a climate that can broaden the participation of women and minorities in the department?

Faculty Mentoring: One Department Head notes, "We would benefit from a more formal mentoring program."

  • A supportive network and role models provide relatedness, as well as facilitate career advancements for women and minorities in academia. The College of Engineering, for example, has set up an informal mentoring network for its female tenure-track faculty members, in which senior female faculty members provide resources and advice to junior female faculty members to aid in the advancement of their careers.
  • The department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has set up a faculty mentoring program for assistant professor, and the Department Head meets with first-year undergraduate and graduate students to discuss departments diversity mission statement with them. 
  • Some mentoring options are already available at MSU that you might consider announcing to your faculty and encouraging participation, including:

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Strategic PlanningBy developing a strategic plan to prioritize, set common goals, and establish agreement over desired outcomes, individuals in departments can clearly establish metrics and define successes.

  • We found that only a few departments (and even fewer units) noted that they had explicit short-term or long-term goals or plans related to diversity.  Without strategic planning, an increased level of diversity will be difficult to achieve.  In addition, progress toward a more diverse environment will be difficult to measure and track.  It also could be that the departments or units do, indeed, have relevant strategic goals, but they have not been clearly communicated throughout the unit.
  • One department is working on a business plan that "includes both demand creation strategies and retention strategies that will benefit all students. With proper resources, we can improve courses that are barriers to success, offer key courses more frequently, improve the advising experience and provide a greater variety of faculty role models."
  • The American Library Association has developed guidelines and resources to help in the process of creating and building support for a diversity strategic plan:
  • A number of institutions have created strategic plans for diversity.

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Implementing Modified Duties/FMLA Accommodations: One Dean noted, "The College would also like to develop a written policy for faculty leave for the birth or adoption of a child, but believes it must wait until MSU develops a policy to guide the College."

A Department Head wrote, "we have made arrangements for all of our faculty to take family leave when medical or family issues have arisen. We have also worked with them to provide coverage for their classes or alternative delivery methods to help all of our faculty during these types of challenging situations. One very positive quality of our department is the willingness that our faculty demonstrates -- jumping in to help with a faculty member's class when a situation arises."

  • Did you know we have a University Family Advocate? This person can help advocate, share resources, and be a compassionate listener for staff, students, and faculty navigating family issues at MSU. Contact Sara Rushing to set up a meeting or get more information. You can also learn more about the Family Advocate program on the Provost's website.
  • Learn more about other programs in Work-Life Integration.
  • The library also has a website that highlights local information and lists scholarly articles to use as resources related to cultural attunement in their Work-Life Integration Library Guide.

Other Issues

If there are any issues that have not been discussed in this feedback document that you believe deserve attention, please speak to your department head or director and ask them to include them in your department’s next Annual Departmental Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Self-Study. 

If there are any institutional policies that may adversely affect someone in your department, please submit them through the Policy Review Portal, and the Policy Review Committee will look into them.

Selected References


  • Boushey, H. (2005). Are women opting out? Debunking the myth. Center for Economic and Policy Research. Washington, DC, Center for Economic and Policy Research.
  • Gannon, F., Quirk, S., & Guest, S. (2001). Are women treated fairly in the EMBO postdoctoral fellowship scheme? European Molecular Biology Organization Reports 2, 8, 655-657.
  • Moss-Racusin, C. A., Dovidio, J. F., Brescoll, V. L., Graham, M. A., & Handelsman, J. (2012). Science faculty's subtle gender biases favor male students. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(41). Retrieved from:
  • Preston, A. E. (2004). Leaving science: Occupational exit from scientific careers. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
  • Steinpreis, R. E., Anders, K. A., & Ritzke, D. (1999). The impact of gender on the review of curricula vitae of job applicants and tenure candidates: A national empirical study. Sex Roles, 41, 7/8, 509-528.
  • Valian, V. , (2007). Tutorials for change: Gender schemas and science careers. Retrieved from


  • Amanatullah, E. T., & Morris, M. W. (2010). Negotiating gender roles: Gender differences in assertive negotiating are mediated by women's fear of backlash and attenuated when negotiating on behalf of others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 256-267. doi: 10.1037/a0017094
  • Ferriman, K., Lubinski, D., & Benbow, C. P. (2009). Work preferences, life values, and personal views of top math/science graduate students and the profoundly gifted: Developmental changes and gender differences during emerging adulthood and parenthood. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 97(3), 517-532. doi:
  • Kray, L. J. and L. Thompson. (2005). Gender stereotypes and negotiation performance: A review of theory and research. Research in Organizational Behavior Series, 26, 103-182.
  • Turner, C. S. V. (2002). Diversifying the faculty: A guidebook for search committees. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges & Universities.


  • McNeil, L. E., & Sher, M. (1999). The dual-career-couple problem. Physics Today, 52(7), 32-37.
  • Wolf-Wendel, L. E., Twombly, S. B., & Rice, S. (2000). Dual-career couples: Keeping them together. The Journal of Higher Education (Columbus, Ohio), 71(3), 291-321.


  • Apfelbaum, E. P., Pauker, K., Sommers, S. R., Ambady, N. (2010). In blind pursuit of racial equality? Psychological Science, 21, 1587-1592.
  • McCabe, J. (2011). Doing Multiculturalism: An Interactionist Analysis of the Practices of a Multicultural Sorority. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 40 (5), 521-549.
  • Norton, M. I., Sommers, S. R., et al. (2006). Color blindness and interracial interaction: Playing the Political Correctness Game. Psychological Science, 17, 949-953.
  • Smithson, J. & Stokoe, E. H. (2005). Discourses of work-life balances: Negotiating genderblind terms in organizations. Gender, Work & Organization, 12, 147-168.



  • Cole, J. R., & Singer, B. (1991). A theory of limited differences: Explaining the productivity puzzle in science. In H. Zuckerman, J. R. Cole, and J. T. Bruer, (Eds.), The outer circle: Women in the scientific community. (277-310). New York: W. W. Norton and Company.
  • Heilman, M. E., Wallen, A. S., Fuchs, D., & Tamkins, M. M. (2004). Penalties for success: Reactions to women who succeed at male gender-typed tasks. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 416-427.
  • Long, J. Scott, ed. (2001). Executive Summary. From scarcity to visibility: Gender differences in the careers of doctoral scientists and engineers (pp.1-8). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
  • United States., & United States. (1994). Peer review: Reforms needed to ensure fairness in federal agency grant selection: report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate. Washington, D.C: The Office, 1-133.
  • Wenneras, C. & Wold, A. (1997). Nepotism and sexism in peer-review. Nature, 387, 341-343.


  • Correll, S., Bernard, S., & Paik, I. (2001). Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? American Journal of Sociology, 112(5), 1297-1338.
  • Kerber, L. K. (2005, March 18). We must make the academic workplace more humane and equitable. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
  • Radcliffe Public Policy Center. (2000). Life's work: Generational attitudes toward work and life integration. Cambridge, MA: Radcliffe Public Policy Center, Harvard University.


Self-Study Discussion Facilitator Guide

What: Annual Department Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness Self-Study discussion

Who:  Department of XXXX faculty


  1. Background/purpose of the self-studies
  2. Department of XXXX faculty composition, goals, values
    1. Do you (or we, i.e. MSU) care about “diversity” (and how do we broadly conceptualize it)?

                                                    i.     Why would a department/university care about this?

  1. Instrumental reasons
  2. Value-based reasons
  3. If MSU values racial, ethnic, sexual, gender, age, ability and other forms of diversity among faculty, students and staff, will that come about passively? (This is not a rhetorical question!)
  4. If cultivating a diverse university and department culture requires being proactive, what might be done to foster that value/goal?

                                                    i.     If Department of XXXX is in a position to hire new faculty members…?

                                                  ii.     If proactive measures do not involve hiring any new faculty…?

  1. What can be done that requires no or limited resources?
    1. Language used on syllabi to convey department values and climate
    2. Revising course content to provide students with exposure to more diverse sources of knowledge
    3. Collecting data to regularly take the pulse of student, staff and faculty experiences of department climate related to diversity
    4. Other things?
    5. What resources does Department of XXXX have discretion over, which might be allotted to further diversity, equity and inclusion goals?
      1. Invited speakers?
      2. Topics chosen to explore extra-curricularly with students? Student clubs?
      3. Displays, use of departmental spaces, workshops, awards, programming?
    6. What other resources are there at MSU, which might be pursued to support Department of XXXX’s goals in this regard?

POINT: As a department, who are you, and what are your goals for your department with regards to equity, inclusiveness and diversity? Where do you all want to go, and how will you get there?

 Website updated 02/11/19