MSU Diversity Council 

April 18, 2024 

1:30-3:00 pm 

Strand Union Building 235 


Ariel Donohue - Chair, 

Senior Diversity and Inclusion Officer 


Yves Idzerda -  

Academic Deans  


Kandi Gresswell - Division of Student Success 


Barbara do Amaral - Diversity and Inclusion Student Commons 


Anja Lincke - Student Diversity Representative 


Vacant -  
All Staff Council 


Steven Davis - Academic Diversity Partner- Honors 


Jen Allen - Bobcat Athletics  


Toby Blake - Office of International Programs 


Stephanie McCalla - Faculty Senate 


Madi Herman - Gender Equity Alliance  


Miller Rijfkogel - Associated Students of MSU 


Mohammad Sorouch - Graduate Partnerships 







Other Participants 


Harley Clifton – Office of Diversity and Inclusion 








  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Approval of March meeting minutes
  3. Informational items: 
    1. Updates
      1. Diversity & Inclusion Excellence Award
      2. Diversity Report
      3. Juneteenth Planning
    2. Policy Review
      1. Trademark and Licensing Policy Revision
      2. Use of University Name and Logos by Registered Student Organizations Policy Revision
      3. Conflict of Interest Policy Revision 
    3. Website Resources
      1. Diversity & Inclusion Framework Progress Webpage
      2. Native American Student Resources Webpage
    4. Looking Ahead
  4. Public comment
  5. Upcoming diversity events: see 
    1. Patricia Hughes guest lecturer on “Creating Equity with Gracious Space: Applications in Inclusion & Belonging”
      1. Faculty & Staff: Friday, April 26th from Noon-1 PM in JABS 103
      2. Students: Friday, April 26th from 1:30-2:30 PM in JABS 103
    2. Pacific Islander Student Association’s Lu'au is April 26th at 4-9 PM at Hyalite Hall
    3. Bozeman Monologues is on April 26th at 6PM
    4. QSA Rainbow Ball is on Sat, April 27 from 8-11PM at the Baxter Ballroom: Tickets
    5. Virtual Rainbow Summit is April 25-27 online: Registration
    6. MMIP National Day of Awareness is on May 3, 9AM-2PM in American Indian Hall 


Next meeting: May 16th, 1:30-3:00 PM in Strand Union Building 235