MINUTES October 12, 2017

AGENDA  March 28, 2018

October 12, 2017 ● 12:00 – 1:30pm, President’s Conference Room

  1. Introductions & Shout Outs: President Cruzado welcomed everyone to the meeting and Becca Belou and Dean Gunnink as the new co-chairs. Around the table introductions were made from all attendees at the meeting.
  1. Welcome: President Cruzado welcomed everyone here today and offered a moment of silence to honor Inge Perkins, MSU Student and sponsored climber and mountaineer, whom recently died in avalanche. Thank you to Tracy Sterling and Camie Bechtold on their hard work as co-chairs last year.  She also recognized Nika Stoop for her outstanding work as she significantly assisted in the Accreditation process coming up Oct. 16-18, 2017.  Kiersten Iwai is a guest here today observing as a graduate student for her research on diversity and inclusion
  1. Update on Diversity Planning – Becca Belou recognized the collaborative effort of campus to create the strong document for the Diversity & Inclusion Framework report.  Dr. Eric Lopez and Dr. Rusty Barcelo were also instrumental in the framework.  Ariel Donahue is co-chairing the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, in addition to Camie, Jessi, Jyl and Becca on that important committee.  Jessi asked where we should start and President Cruzado said the recommendation of the committee is to have a climate survey to have documentation and data to support this initiative and also have a baseline/budget for a climate survey. This framework will be integrated into the MSU Strategic Plan.

Annual Review of Commission                                            Rebecca Belou/Brett Gunnink

  1. Formation of Speaker/Event Ad Hoc Committee for 125th
    • Spring 2018 event for the work of the PCOSUW. Yvonne offered an idea to bring alumni to campus who have broken the glass ceiling. Showcase past and present women with 125 alumni. Micah McFeely would like to connect future alumni with past alumni.
    • President Cruzado reminded the commission that Feb. 2018 is MSU’s 125th birthday party and the whole year will be dedicated to celebrating and showcasing this milestone.
    • Tracy Sterling motioned to form Ad Hoc committee, Jessi Smith seconded the motion. Passed unanimously. Becca will be in touch with volunteers who expressed interest.
  2. Executive Committee meetings with Representatives from each Constituency/Department
    • Emails will be sent out to have attendance at each meeting in the near future.
    • Camie is working to have a policy for the students with childcare so they may take their exams. We need to keep on this issue again this year.
  3. Overview/approval of Minutes - Becca Belou shared the minutes. Jessi Smith shared a sustainability handout and the April event by the Diversity and Inclusion office.  Motion to approve by Tracy Sterling, seconded by President Cruzado.
  4. Committee Reports
    • Assessment – Smith
      • Jessi Smith provided update and team has grown to 11 as they added ADVANCE members. Committee make recommendation to have Dean Gunnink organize meeting with dept heads on how to make most out of experience and engage faculty and staff across campus.
      • Team is working on a qualitative assessment on the five years of data from self-study and how they have changed over time – for better or worse. Plan is to write the data and meet with Deans Council and disseminate results.
    • Communications – Rudman
      • Rudman said they’d like to work to make the work more visible and create an internal calendar to be able to make the PCOSUW more visible and provide outreach.
    • Nominations – Sterling
      • Tracy has nominated Carrie Ash from Extension and Stephanie Wilson representing graduate student and Jen Lynn from Billings. Micah is representing ASMSU.
    • Policy – Shaffer
      • Commoner exam work still needs to be done. Reported on Dept. of Education updates with changes to Title IX.
    • Recognition – Danforth
      • 2017 awardees are now up in the SUB. Nominations are open for Spring Convocation 2018. Nominations close on Nov. 9, 2017.
  5. Campus Reports
    • Billings – Lynn
      • Women’s Faculty Caucus meets once a month with a theme – examples strategic service, teaching, grant writing, etc.
      • Chancellors office has committed budget for Women’s Center and various community partnerships.
      • American Indian Achievement Center recently had their ribbon cutting.
    • Great Falls – Bonilla
      • Mary Kay was not present to report.
    • Northern – Sellers
      • Darlene reported on Northern – trauma sensitivity, social services and holding organizational awareness on trauma and attending schools, HRDC, and an all-day trauma informed work shop including Head Start and violence Against Women.
      • Formed intercollege ad hoc committee to become more culturally sensitive and focusing on faculty in the classroom. To make the classroom environment safe and inclusive for all classes
  6. Strategic Plan Progress /Accomplishments
    1. Becca reminded group that the Strategic Plan can be found at: http://www.montana.edu/strategicplan/

Break out for Sub-Committee goal setting                   Everyone  

Becca encouraged people to share group updates and for people to join committees who are new to the PCOSUW.  President Cruzado reminded group Nov. 1-2, 2017 OneMSU will be on campus.  President Cruzado shared that the poster contest winner is a female MSU grad from 2009 and shared posters with the group.                                         

  1. Assessment
  2. Communications
  3. Nominations
  4. Policy
  5. Recognition
  6. Co-chairs

Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm.

AGENDA March 28, 2018, 11:30 – 1:00pm President’s Conference Room

1. Introductions & Shout Outs

2. Welcome President Cruzado

3. CEDAW Presentation Franke Wilmer

4. Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council Update Ariel Donohue

5. Annual Review of Commission Rebecca Belou/Brett Gunnink

a. Overview/approval of Minutes

b. Executive Committee meetings with Representatives from each Constituency/Department

c. Update from Ad Hoc Event Committee for 125th Nika Stoop i Diversity Symposium Lecture ii Nominations

d. Committee Reports

i Assessment – Smith

ii Communications - Rudman

iii Nominations - Sterling

iv Policy - Shaffer

v Recognition – Danforth

e. Campus Reports

i Billings - Lynn

ii Great Falls - Bonilla

iii Northern - Sellers

f. Strategic Plan Progress /Accomplishments