
Bowman*2/Brigitta mutant//ND10232

Synonyms/Experimental #s


Release year


Breeding Program

North Dakota Agriculture Expiriment Station


Spring two-row
High test weight and early maturity may favor production of Conlon when planting is delayed or soil moisture is limited

Agronomic Characteristics:

Yield: In North Dakota trials, Conlon has yielded equal to Stark and has high test weight.Tolerant to heat and drought stress
Maturity: Midseason, one day later than Bowman
Straw Strength: Medium strong, similar to Bowman
Straw Length: Medium, similar to Bowman
Disease Reaction: Resistant to net blotch, the MCC form of stem rust, and powdery mildew. Resistant to some types of spot blotch and moderately susceptible to others. Susceptible to scald, loose smut, covered smut, leaf rust, and septoria leaf blotch.

Malting Characteristics

Brewing Quality Traits


Related Documents:

Conlon - AMBA Description