Friability Meter
a.k.a. "Friabilimeter"
MSU equipment: The only manufacturer of this meter, Pfeufer
The Friabilimeter provides a measure of modification
How it works:
Mechanical pressure is applied against 100g of malt inside a rotating sieve drum. Friable (well modified) portions of the grain are pressed through the sieve while the hard portions stay within the drum. Weighing the separated portions gives a percentage of friableness.
Each sample is run in the meter for 8 minutes.
Instructional Method Video
Start to finish this video will show you the process and help you maintain your instrument!
Pfeuffer Friabilimeter

Friability is a measure of malt modification
The friabilimeter takes 8 minutes to process a sample
Malt is placed inside a sieve drum where a pressure arm presses the malt against the seive
The portion of malt that falls through the sieve is considered friable
Here is a better view of the drum
The portion remaining inside the drum is further separated over a 5/64 screen for a glassy and 1/2 glassy measurment
Example Results From a 6-row variety
Friability is measured after malting for 2 days and 7 days



Malt at 2 Days
Malt at 7 Days