COB Students Receive Research Grant

COB students Amanda Ressol and Matt Dalbey received grants totaling $3,000 from the Undergraduate Scholar Program. This money will be used to help cover expenses of data collection, entry, and analysis as they work on a research project with David Snepenger, professor of marketing.

This grants will give these two students the ability to get first-hand research experience regarding the downtown Bozeman business economy.

Ad Club Camera Interviews Members of the Ad Club participated in a full-day seminar in April regarding the challenges they may face when participating in live interviews. Guest presenters included Los Angeles media coach Mark Bernheimer and local NBC television anchor Amy Jacobs. The session was coordinated by R.J. Johansen, adjunct instructor of marketing.

Students accepted the challenge of appearing on camera, and then endured playback evaluation and coaching. A few even volunteered for a second round in the hot seat!

Bernheimer spent said during his interview that "it's quite possible that this is the first time college students have participated in media training at this level."

This experience will surely give them something to talk about during a job interview that few others will have on their resumes.