1. Science Education as an art/discipline.  MSSE students will demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of science education and its role in contributing to our understanding of teaching science.

2. Science Content.  MSSE students will demonstrate an understanding of at least two science content disciplines through successful completion of courses in those disciplines.

3. Written Communication.  MSSE students will demonstrate master level writing practices, formats and effective written communication through course assignments and the Capstone paper. Note: writing is included in nearly all courses, but not specifically assessed other than in the context of the specific assignments.

4. Research. MSSE students will formulate a research question using either their classroom as a lab or a science-related topic and conduct a research project based on the action research model. Note: elements of research are included in many courses, but not specifically assessed other than in the context of the specific assignments.

5. Oral Communication.  MSSE students will demonstrate the ability to present material orally in an organized and effective manner by sharing the results of their Capstone project.