Montana Science Olympiad State Tournament
Wednesday, March 26th, 2025


The Montana Science Olympiad State Tournament hosts nearly 900 middle and high school students from over 70 teams across Montana competing in 29 Science Olympiad events in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.  This enormous undertaking would not be possible without the dedication of an army of dedicated volunteers.

Volunteers contribute an array of tasks from helping to supervise and score tournament events, to running sandwiches to Event Supervisors and a roll of duct tape to a classroom.  We need all of you!

Volunteers earn ChampChange, receive Science Olympiad schwag, and a free lunch!  In keeping with MSU Guidelines for University Programs for children, volunteers are screened through a background check. Please read the MSU Guidelines for University Programs for children.

Get a hint of volunteer expectations by watching last year's orientation video here.

Questions? Contact: [email protected], (406) 994-7476.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  To be announced for 2025

Register for volunteer shifts here

If the slots you desire are full, please subscribe to our STEM Outreach Volunteers newsletter and we will share future opportunities to volunteer with next year's Science Olympiad or other programs.Thanks for your support!

Volunteer Orientations

New and returning volunteers are required to attend a virtual volunteer orientation and training.  Recordings of the training will be available, and it is mandatory that volunteers review the content prior to the tournament.

  • Tues, Apr 2 at 4 pm (a WebEx link will be emailed to you)
  • Fri, Apr 5 at 12:30 pm (a WebEx link will be emailed to you)

Questions?  Email us or call (406) 994-7476

If you missed the live trainings, you must watch the recording here

Talks and Tours

Talks and Tours help Science Olympiad competitors learn about the research, educational and student services programs of MSU and are held from 1pm to 2pm on tournament day. This is a great outreach opportunity to show off what you do at MSU! Visit our Talks and Tours page for more information or to sign up.

MSU Science Olympiad Student Club Members

Undergraduate and graduates students in STEM majors, former Science Olympiad participants, or any student with an interest in promoting the Montana Science Olympiad are invited to join the MSU Science Olympiad Student Club.  Members of the club are uniquely qualified to contribute to the tournament and play an intregal role in the annual event.  Contact the club at:  [email protected]

Learn More about the Science Olympiad Student Club!