Monthly Weed Posts

Welcome to the MSU Extension Invasive Plants monthly weed post, a bulletin featuring a noxious weed, interesting research, or a timely issue related to weed management. If you would like to receive the Monthly Weed Post via email, please send a request to [email protected].
Monthly posts are listed in descending order, grouped by year. The Southern Agricultural Research Center provides a Searchable Database of Monthly Weed Posts.
- 2025 Weed Posts
- 2024 Weed Posts
- 2023 Weed Posts
- 2022 Weed Posts
- 2021 Weed Posts
- 2020 Weed Posts
- 2019 Weed Posts
- 2018 Weed Posts
- 2017 Weed Posts
- 2016 Weed Posts
- 2015 Weed Posts
- 2014 Weed Posts
- 2013 Weed Posts
- 2012 Weed Posts
- 2011 Weed Posts
PDF files can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat or Sumatra PDF.
2025 Weed Posts
- A new biocontrol agent for hoary cress – A mighty mite? (February)
- Euphorbias: The bold and the beautiful (January)
2024 Weed Posts
- How locoweeds host a fungus that makes them toxic to livestock, but don't seem to care (December)
- Black henbane (Hyocyamus niger) revisited (November)
- Integrating spring glyphosate application and spring seeding to establish bluebunch wheatgrass in cheatgrass-infested rangeland (October)
- Early Detection, Rapid Response Program (September)
- Moth mullein (Verbascum blattaria) (August)
- Plant identification apps for your smartphone: 2024 update (July)
- Plant identification resources (June)
- Witchgrass (Panicum capillare) (May)
- Mediterranean sage (Salvia aethiopis) (April)
- Kill weeds, not trees (March)
- Update on Palmer amaranth and waterhemp in Montana (February)
- To DIY or not to DIY: Why use registered herbicide products? (January)
2023 Weed Posts
- Tall tumblemustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) (December)
- Common tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) (November)
- Impact of thistle rust on Canada thistle performance (October)
- Houndstongue (Cynoglossum officinale) (September)
- Oxeye daisy: I love it I love it not (August)
- Mowing to manage invasive and noxious weeds (July)
- Grass identification basics (YouTube video) (June)
- Other grass identification videos of interest
- Distribution of ventenata under current and future climate scenarios (May)
- Common teasel (April)
- Leafy spurge versus western gromwell (Noxious weed or native plant? YouTube videos) (March)
- Schutter Diagnostic Lab: 2022 Plant Identification Updates (February)
- Revegetation guidelines: Considering invasive and noxious weeds (January)
2022 Weed Posts
- Common buckthorn (December)
- Seed dispersal by vehicles and the value of washing vehicles to prevent weed spread (November)
- Yellow mignonette (October)
- Rush skeletonweed versus skeleton plant (Noxious weed or native plant? YouTube videos) (September)
- Western salsify (August)
- Fragrant water-lily (July)
- Identifying invasive annual grasses in Montana and Identifying ventenata in early summer (YouTube videos) (June)
- Creeping bellowflower (May)
- Plant identification apps for your smartphone (April)
- Cinquefoils (Potentilla species) and spotted knapweed versus dotted blazing star (Noxious weed or native plant? YouTube videos) (March)
- Noxious weeds views and behaviors after 25 years of education and outreach (February)
- Flowering rush (January)
2021 Weed Posts
- Noxious weed or native plant? (YouTube videos) (December)
- Chicory (November)
- Milfoil weevil (October)
- Testing indaziflam for restoring cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) infested Montana rangelands (September)
- Preventing weed invasion from hay shipments (August)
- Spraying noxious weeds during drought (July)
- Does vinegar kill weeds? (June)
- Baby's breath (May)
- Houndstongue root weevil (Mogulones crucifer) (April)
- Effect of increased temperate and carbon dioxide on cheatgrass and ventenata (March)
- Puncturevine (February)
- White bryony and hoary alyssum (YouTube videos) (January)
2020 Weed Posts
- St. Johnswort (December)
- Non-Target Herbicide Injury on Plants (November)
- Long-term Outcome of Leafy Spurge Integrated Management (October)
- Waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus) (September)
- Managing Canada Thistle in Lawns (August)
- Spanish Thistle (Carduus cinereus) (July)
- Field Trials Test Efficacy of Cheatgrass-Suppressive Bacteria (June)
- Montana Noxious Weed Survey: Has 25 Years of Education Been Effective? (May)
- Invasive Plants and Pandemics: Reflections From an Invasive Plant Ecologist (April)
- Identifying Invasive Annual Grasses in Montana, Youtube Video (March)
- How to Tell the Difference Between Exotic and Native Thistles (February)
- Hairy Cat's Ear (January)
- 2020 Crossword Puzzles (and solutions)
- Managing Weeds After Wildfire (December)
- Rabbitsfoot Grass (November)
- Tree of Heaven (October)
- White bryony (September)
- Narrowleaf hawksbeard (August)
- Dame's rocket (July)
- Common bugloss (June)
- Cutleaf vipergrass (May)
- Field bindweed (April)
- Schutter diagnostic lab activities for 2018 (March)
- Dyer's woad (February)
- Blueweed (January)
- 2019 Crossword Puzzles (and solutions)
- Predicting the best sites to use biological control (December)
- Palmer amaranth (November)
- Are invasive plant managers reducing viable seed production of hoary alyssum with herbicides? (October)
- Noble yarrow (September)
- "Montana's Noxious Weeds" now available as electronic flipbook (August)
- A perennial problem: Revisiting control methods for Canada thistle (July)
- Most popular mobile apps for invasive plant managers (June)
- What's up? Buttercup! (May)
- White campion and bladder campion (April)
- Scentless chamomile (March)
- Fragrant waterlily (February)
- Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign highlights from 2017 (January)
- Montana realtor online noxious weed training (December)
- Herbicide resistance (November)
- Yellow and desert alyssum (October)
- Modifying seeding date for successful establishment of bluebunch wheatgrass (September)
- Common sources of non-target herbicide injury (August)
- Roadside revegetation: Native plants and noxious weeds (July)
- Common burdock (June)
- A systematic review of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) control research (May)
- Invasive mustards: hoary alyssum, perennial pepperweed, and whitetop (April)
- Weed suppressive bacteria for cheatgrass (March)
- Musk thistle (February)
- Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory 2016 Summary (January)
- Common mullein (December)
- Bear Trap Wilderness (November)
- Economic impacts of noxious weeds on private grazing lands (October)
- Conservation Innovation Grant project--Changing weed management (September)
- Leafy spurge integrated management monitoring day (August)
- Dame's rocket (July)
- Spotted knapweed, native forbs, and pollinators (June)
- Weed manager-driven local research projects Part II (May)
- Weed manager-driven local research projects Part I (April)
- Rush skeletonweed (March)
- Tall buttercup seedling growth along a soil moisture gradient (February)
- Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory (January)
- Montana Noxious Weed Education Campaign (December)
- Native parisitoids associated with knapweed biocontrols (November)
- Biennial thistles (October)
- Parrot feather watermilfoil (September)
- Weed impact rankings (August)
- Brazilian waterweed (July)
- Garlic mustard (June)
- Baby's breath (May)
- Revegetation of rangeland (April)
- Yellowflag iris reproduction (March)
- Common buckthorn (February)
- Cheatgrass biocontrol (January)
- Biocontrol research update (December)
- Field scabious (November)
- Absinth wormwood (October)
- Phragmites (September)
- Native and exotic thistles: Who's Jeckyl, who's Hyde? (August)
- Weed spread and climate change: the story for Dalmatian toadflax (July)
- Bulbous bluegrass (June)
- Poison hemlock (May) 480KB PDF
- Grass identification (April)
- Genotyping rush skeletonweed (March)
- Black henbane (February)
- Medusahead (January)
- A brief peek into weed research in Montana (December)
- Bees eye view: native versus nonnative plants (November)
- Plant identification (October)
- Going my way? Weed seeds as hitchhikers (September)
- Ventenata (August)
- Knotweed distribution (June)
- Knotweed distribution (June)
- A glimpse at a few new invaders (May)
- Controlling cheatgrass with imazapic on Montana rangeland (April)
- Dyer's woad (March)
- Hawkweed ID and nomenclature (February)
- Hawkweeds (January)
- Applying biological control methods for weed management (December)
- Dalmatian and yellow toadflax (November)
- Weeds and wildfire (October)
- Rangeland revegetation revisited (September)
- Rush skeletonweed (August)
- Tall buttercup (July)
- Biological control of leafy spurge, spotted knapweed, and Dalmatian toadflax in MT (June)
- Perennial pepperweed (May)
- Summary of weed research in Montana (April)
- Yellowflag iris (March)
- Revegetation of cheatgrass-infested rangelands: size matters! (February)
- Weed post year in review (January)
- Western salsify (December)
- Flowering rush (November)
- White bryony (October)
- Knapweed identification (September)
- Whitetop (August)
- Yellow starthistle (July)
- Hoary alyssum (May)
- Scotch broom (April)
- Blueweed (March)
- Knotweed (February)
- Eurasian watermilfoil (January)
Further Information
If you would like to receive the Monthly Weed Post via email, please contact Jane Mangold at [email protected]
There is a searchable database of these monthly weed posts, provided the MSU Southern Agricultural Research Center.