Morgan Scarr

Morgan Scarr earned her bachelor's in business accounting and her Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAc) program from MSU! She is currently a Shareholder with Amatics CPA Group and has served on our Accounting Advisory Council for more than 10 years.

Growing up in Helena, attending college in Bozeman was just close enough to home. She had started as a math major, stumbled into some accounting classes and the rest is history.

Please describe your career path after graduation.

I went to work at a state-wide public accounting firm, working in tax, audit, and accounting services. I spent seven years working in all those practice areas before turning my focus toward audit. Ten years ago, a group of us split off from that firm and formed Amatics CPA Group. My main practice area is audit and attestation services, working primarily with nonprofit organizations and other entities in this area.

What is the best part of your current job? The most challenging?

Every day presents new opportunities and challenges. No two days are the same and we’re always in the position to learn new things.

We work with some incredibly interesting, competent, compassionate clients. It's rewarding to be able to use my skill set to help them achieve their goals.

I appreciate the fact that in my role, I have a say in the clients I work with and the team we’re building. We have a tremendous amount of flexibility, which allows me to have a fulfilling career that aligns with my personal goals.

How has your education at MSU's College of Business helped you in your career?

My education was foundational for the career I’ve built. I learned the fundamentals for starting in my field, as well as the skill set to listen, learn, adapt, and think critically.

Please share a bit about your role on the Accounting Advisory Council.

I was still relatively new in my career when I was offered the opportunity to join the advisory council and I was nervous that I would have very little insight to offer. I was able to spend most of those first years on the council doing a lot of listening and learning.

Now I love being able to bring back what I’m seeing in our firm and our profession to hopefully improve students’ college experiences and success after school.

I appreciate that our involvement at the MPAc Professionalism Workshop is focused on providing honest stories and expectations rather than recruiting. The opportunity to connect with students in that manner is so valuable.

Any wisdom you wish to impart with our current business students?

Take the opportunities offered to get outside your comfort zone. I spent a long time trying to manage all the outcomes only to realize I had very little control over anything other than my part in any situation. I found significantly more happiness when I stopped trying to control things and instead focused my attention on how I want to show up.