This year, we will continue to evolve our allocation process for our research, professional development and curriculum redesign funding. The intent of this process is to promote strategic use of our finite resources, maximize impact, encourage continuous improvement, promote transparency and keep us compliant with our AACSB accreditation process.

Our AACSB accreditation process requires that we clearly define our process for allocating professional development funding, that we align our funding efforts with our mission and demonstrate how we integrate our learning across our entire college.  As a result, our expectation is that the faculty and staff who elect to take advantage of these resources will share their experiences with the college and leverage these funds to create impact for our college.

To help simplify and clarify our allocation process, we are setting two pools of funding, with separate application dates.

  1. Early Pool: Applications due October 15th. The early pool will be for professional development activities during the academic year (Sept – April). Note: We will most likely move this due date earlier in the year for next year to give everyone more time to plan for their fall activities.
  1. Summer pool: Applications due by March 31st. The summer pool will be allocated for professional development, curriculum development and research efforts during the summer.

Application Process:

Note: This is intended to be a light-weight process. Your proposal / request should be about 1 page. 

Please indicate if your application is for,

  • Professional Development
  • Curriculum Development
  • Research support

Please include all expected expenses related to your request, allocated by either

  • Salary
  • Travel (Travel Request Form Required)
  • Other (Specify)

Professional Development and / or Conference Presentation

Requests for professional development should discuss how this investment is aligned with our mission.  In addition, your proposal should include:

  • A summary of the reason for attending the conference/workshop (1-2 paragraphs)
  • A description of how you will create impact in the classroom or on your research as a result of attending.
  • Name, Data and Location of Conference/workshop
  • Indication of whether you are presenting a paper or not

Curriculum Redesign

Requests for curricular development should discuss how this investment directly impacts our success in achieving our stated learning outcomes.  Proposals should include:

  1. A summary of the pedagogical or content innovation to be undertaken
  2. A description of how the innovation will create impact
  3. Budget for the work to be undertaken

Please Note: Curriculum funding is not intended to support the normal and expected updating of a course such as preparing for a new textbook, creating new assignments, or preparing new lecture materials.

Research Support

Research support and travel requests for research activities should include a description of your research and how your research aligns with our mission.  Faculty who receive this funding will be expected to present their funded research to the college in the future.

When you have identified an opportunity to advance your research, please submit the following information to the Dean’s office:

  1. A brief summary of your research (2-3 paragraphs)
  2. Description of its expected impact and how it aligns with our mission (1-3 paragraphs)
  3. Resource being requested (data, etc.)
  4. If attending a conference – type of presentation (e.g. paper, poster, other)
    • Name, Date and Location of Conference
    • Date Submissions are due
    • Expected date to be notified of review decision
    • Indicate if you are presenting a paper or not
  5. Total funds being requested.
    • A completed travel request form if applicable

How we set funding priorities:

As you might expect, historically, total requests have outstripped our budget. In making the final allocations, we will use the following to rank each request:

  • Impact and its alignment with our mission
  • Professional Development
  • Curriculum development
  • Research Support

In addition to priorities outlined above, we will apply the following guidelines prior to allocating resources:

  • Overall annual review rating of the applicant
  • Positive participation of the applicant as a member of our college community
    1. We believe it’s important that we all participate in building a positive culture and community that includes our students, faculty, staff, alumni and residents.  Attending events, leading clubs, creating unique learning experiences, being on campus, engaging with our students and your peers, are examples of activities that we believe help make Jabs special.