This Page Provides Important Next Steps - Please Read the Entire Page!

If you have not accepted your offer to MSU, please do this now through the admissions portal

NOTE: The NetID is DIFFERENT than your MSU Student ID.
The NetID allows you to log into many areas on campus services, including student email, Microsoft Office, the Library
(Example: p12x345) Your MSU Student ID is found on the bottom of your acceptance letter and begins with a dash (Example: -01234567). Be sure to include the dash when you use it. 

1. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REGISTER for classes UNTIL you clear all holds:

  • ALL STUDENTS will have an Immunization & Tuberculosis Hold  which will prevent registration. If you are in a 100% online program or taking only online courses and not physically coming to campus, this hold should be automatically moved.  However, if you notice the hold has not been removed, please contact Student Health Services at (406) 994-2311 or email at: [email protected].

  • You MAY have a hold if you were admitted with a Conditional Admission (as noted on your decision letter). If so, it may mean that you are missing certain official documents that may inhibit your ability to register, such as missing offical transcripts with a conferred degree appearing on the transcript or officially required test scores. 

2. Before you get started on Registering, take a look at the following links:

  • Please check with your department to verify if they would like you to register yourself, as some will work with you in selecting your courses and may even register you for your first term (or more).
  • If you know you can register for courses yourself, check the Registration Timetable link for dates towhen graduate students can register (Typically, late October for Spring registration and late March for Summer and Fall).

NOTE: If you experience a permission or prerequisite request, please contact the department offering the course; they can assist with your registration. 

3. Steps to Registering as a Graduate Student:

We want to make registration at MSU a simple process. Step-by-step instructions for our online registration system are provided below; please read and follow each step. If you are unsure the courses you should take, please consult with your department or your advisor.

  1. Go to the MSU home page and click on “My Info.” If you do not see "MyInfo" along the top bar- to the right of the MSU logo, select the "students" option in the upper left side of your screen.
  2. Click on “Log into MyInfo.”
  3. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS at the top of the MyInfo page! 
  4. Once logged in, select the "Student Services Tab"
    1. Click on “Registration.”
    2. Click on "Select Term" and verify that your term of admission is selected; then click "Submit."
    3. Click on “Add/Drop Classes.”
    4. Click on “Select Term” and select appropriate term.
    5. Use this pin: 423185 (this is your Alternate Pin Number for the first term).  Do not be confused with the number you used when you logged into MyInfo. This number is used for first time registration ONLY, as  it will change every semester.  If you have been admitted for a certificate/degree program, you will need to work with your advisor to secure your Alternate Pin for any future terms. If you are a Non-Degree seeking online student or a National Teacher Enhancement student, you will not need to use the pin provided above.
    6. Find your course(s) by clicking on “Class Search” and add the course(s) to your class schedule by entering the 5-digit Course Registration Number (CRN). REMEMBER to sign up for Orientation!
    7. Recheck your registration for accuracy by clicking on “Student Detail Schedule.”

4. Need assistance with your online registration, bill and more?  Please go to: Montana State University- Online.

Below are some direct links to the top asked online questions:

5. Training & Orientation: 

As a new graduate student to MSU, you will need to register for the new graduate student training and orientation. Once you register, you will have access to the training and orientation in Brightspace about 1 month before the start of term. This training covers topics such as: FERPA, Residency, Title IX, Office of Research Compliance & Ethical Conduct, Disability Services, Veteran Services, and other important information necessary for all new graduate students.

6. Required Prevention Education Courses

The Commissioner of Higher Education has mandated all new, incoming students to Montana State University (regardless of age) are required to complete an authorized program in alcohol education, sexual assault awareness and prevention, and financial literacy. You will receive an email prompting you to log in and complete this requirement when the courses are open to you.  Participation in this program is not an elective; if the modules are not completed in the time allotted, a hold will be placed on your ability to register for the following term. Please see this link for information on how you complete this module, dates and deadlines.  If you have any questions on the programming that we offer, please feel free to contact the MSU Prevention Staff at: [email protected].

7. NetID & Email Address:

Please follow the following link where you can acquire your MSU Net ID (if you haven't already). Your MSU email address will be generated AFTER you register for courses. If you were faculty/staff before applying to Montana State, you may want to update your personal/preferred email address.  You can review your emails in MyInfo under the Personal Information tab.

8. Do you want to defer your start term?

This request must be made in writing to [email protected]. If approved, a deferral can be for up to one (1) year or two (2) terms, not including summer term.

Note: Some departments will not allow a newly admitted student to defer their starting term.


If you are in a certificate, masters or doctoral online program, please look at this link to learn more on steps to completing a degree.

Link to MSU's Graduate School Policy and Procedures